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Everything posted by Radney711

  1. Radney711

    Front view

    From the album: Progress on 14G Nano

    I have gotten just about all my corals from club members and Aqua Dome so thank you everyone who has helped me learn and has given me great deals
  2. So to run the Phosban 150 it says to only run however many grams of phosban per X amount of gallons of water.. this may be a dumb question but does it matter how much since it is tumbling in the reactor anyway??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teresa


      So phosban shouldn't tumble, but GFO should?

    3. jestep


      GFO or phosban (same thing) shouldn't tumble. Maybe lightly rotate if anything. Otherwise it gets ground up and you end up with a bunch of iron in the tank.

    4. Radney711


      I have watched videos of using ROWA in a phosban 150 and I guess i should have chose better words and said slightly boil. Thats what i was thinking lol

  3. looking locally for a small Cyphastrea frag.

    1. FarmerTy


      Radney, if you are looking for meteor shower cyphanstrea, PM me. I can make a frag for you.

  4. Getting married this weekend to a wonderful girl that puts up with and enjoys all my hobbies!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. reeflover


      Congrat, live happily forever...

    3. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      Just remember: a happy wife means a happy life. And that is very true.

    4. Grog



  5. That's Awesome! That is the real cool stuff you can use it for! We are always looking for people that have LIDAR experience. It is truly the future of surveying, you wont be seeing people with tripods on the side of the road much longer lol.
  6. I have done a little bit of everything but the career that i have stayed with for the past 8 years and probably for the rest of my life is surveying and engineering. I work for a company called SAM Inc. where I am a senior survey cad tech and and a Geospatial Lidar tech. I drive a million dollar suburban that looks like a urban assault vehicle because it is retrofitted with all the Lidar equipment and has high rails for when we get on train tracks. It basically fires lasers out of 2 rotating sensors on the back of the vehicle the bounce off the first thing it hits and returns, in which we get a distance and bearing to that one spot and it creates a point at that spot. Since this thing is rotating at 200Hz a sec and firing at 200khz a sec it collects billions of points a minute. What that does is create a 3D point cloud of whatever we drive by accurate down to the hundredth of an inch. You could put a virtual Reality helmet on and walk through a perfectly mapped out world. This is used for construction and planning of big projects that clients need to know where exactly everything is for clearances, ground water runoff, and many other uses. I am in the process of learning our aerial Lidar and will soon be the eye in the sky check it out www.saminc.biz
  7. Went to Auqadome today and they got in a huge rose bubble anemone beautiful! I mean it is big!! said they want $100 just putting the word out there :)

  8. got my actinic LED lunar lights put in tonight! The COLORS!! :)

  9. Radney711

    My 14G nano so far

    The on going beautification of my square piece of ocean
  10. Sounds good i sure it will be a little while before that happens lol
  11. Trying to decide if i should add a coriline algae booster... would be the first additive in my tank ever???

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Radney711


      I am new at this but not brand new. I have had this reef tank going for about 4 months now with multiple corals happy and growing. I have had problems with phosphates and took care of it. things are looking great!

    3. sifuentes31


      I purchased the Kent's Purple tech and really haven't noticed anything special. My Calcium levels did rise though but coraline grew just a bit. I've been doing it every 4 days at half the dose in my 55 and the corals seem healthy.

    4. jestep


      Something that might be worth a try. I used Kent tech-m a while back to treat bryopsis. My coraline growth went through the roof. It's a good additive no matter what if you can test for it.

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