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Posts posted by Scutterborn

  1. Ok. I've succumb to this idea and decided to implement it. I had everything but the light and fixtures to do this project and I said "Why the heck not?"

    I did as simple a design as I could to minimize uncirculated water.

    I didn't take many pics as I was building it. It honestly only took me about 15 minutes to source out the correct bits and pieces of 1" PVC from my "bucket o' parts".

    I used a quietone 4000 pump, Way overkill, a ball valve and union. Oh yeah, bits of 1" PVC. Basically what I came up with was this. 9ena6yzy.jpg

    I soon realized there was quite a bit of errant spray from my quick job. So I decided to build a spray shield out of some scrap acrylic I had laying around.



    Unfortunately I was still getting the reflectors wet and that caused me some concern. So I built another spray shield.


    Works much better now. I'll keep y'all posted on the progress. I've read that you likely won't see a lot of growth in the first several days.

    Also, for the record, these are the bulbs and reflectors I got at Lowes. re3u4ypu.jpg

    - Ben -

  2. All the information from last swap is still the same so I pretty much just copy and pasted it from the last one.

    Charter members of MAAST and spouse are free

    Web members are $10 + $5 for spouse.

    Children under 16 are free.

    This includes food catered by Snogas BBQ.

    Festivities will commence at 1:00pm until 4:00pm

    Doors will open for sellers to set up as early as 9:00am

    This will be catered and food will be available.

    We had a really large turnout last year for this frag swap and we expect to have an even larger turnout for this one. We have some vendors from out of town and even out of state!!

    So get your fragging on and let's start getting some stuff ready for it! Remember, the sooner you frag the longer your frags can heal. Well healed frags sell much better than fresh cuts!

    Attention sellers. You will need to bring your tanks, power cords, water and lights for this event. We may be able to find folks that have a full table that can share. Please let me know so I can plan this accordingly.

    Seller fees are as follows:

    MAAST Sponsors and MAAST charter members sell free!!

    Web member sellers - $5

    Non sponsor businesses - $50 table fee

    Here's a link to a great post about preparedness.



    I will update this thread as more details and folks RSVP. Also include any guests coming with you please.

    Sellers, please get with me so I know how many sellers to accommodate.

    This will be a great chance to spread the love of variety!

  3. Howdy. I found this dude again the other day and got a few quick pics with my iphone. At first I thought it was a gorilla but I've never seen a blue gorilla crab. Please let me know if y'all know. I've googled my butt off and pride myself on my ability to research. I've been unsuccessful in my endeavors though. y9erera3.jpg

    - Ben -

  4. Well. Here we start a new thread born from the ashes of another...

    Time for an update. It's been a rough move. I lost many corals that I'm quite upset about. I guess progress has its costs though.

    Working on the plumbing.





    Honestly I felt as though I didn't take enough time to plan and build the the tank prior to installation day.

    We started by pulling all the livestock.


    And tearing the 185 down.




    - Ben -

  5. I'll need to hook up with you in the future on those candy apple reds. I thought if had some but my wife told me I bought more candy apple greens. Ugh. I hate being color blind!


    Hi Ben it was nice to finally meet u last weekend. I definitely let u know when I will b back down there. It was a great frag swap!!! Great job to u n the team.

    Thank you very much!


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