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Posts posted by rgoodwill

  1. Thats a negative on the idea, but I figured out what the problem is for people with the same problem. I have searched all over the web and havent found many people who can get theres to re seal the siphon after the water has dropped completley below it. The only way to fix this from what I have seen is adding a small powerhead to the airline tubing that is constantly pulling water. This fixes the issue because if the pump turns back on then so will the small powerhead and the siphon will reseal. The question now is where can I find very small powerhead. Thanks for the help everyone.

  2. yeah I did a water change yesterday and the nitrates were pretty much zero... Ph seems good... The thing is he does not usually hang out in the rock but I think he got scared so he has been in there a lot. I think that him being in the rock has made it 1000 times worse because before his ich was minor. He is hard to catch and I am afraid a FR bath may be too stressful. I fed him garlic but I really do not know what to do.

  3. I had two fish in my tank get ich. I had no other corals or anything in the tank yet because it is new so I started treatment. I have raised the salt level higher but I am not sure as to how high it should actually be. Next, I started using life guard because I had heard good things about it. This instantly cured one of the fish. I am now on the last day of treatment and my blue tang who has had it all of the sudden just ballooned with a significant amount of ich. I have also raised the temp to about 83 degrees to stop the reproduction of it. I am afraid he might not make it through the night does anyone have any ideas how to help ease the ich over night so hopefully he can survive?

  4. I can't drill my tank because its already pretty established. I do have several siphon breaks to keep my sump from overflowing. The issue here is that if the power goes out and comes back on then the sump pump would begin pushing water back in the tank. The problem is that then the overflow does not begin siphoning again. I am trying to figure out how do people get their overflows to begin siphoning again once the siphon has been completley broken. I just added a check valve and airline tubing today but it is very unclear if people are attaching some kind of powerhead in order to constantly resiphon the overflow if it was so lose the siphone. PhotoOct2035004PM.jpg

  5. PhotoOct20114935AM.jpg

    So right where the pipe goes into the other side of the tank is often where I see people put a check valve and then put airline tube and then a air pump. I do not have this yet and I am not certain if that is causing the overflow to not reseal.


    Any ideas what is causing the pipe to not reseal? Thanks

  6. Hi guys, I am in need of assistance from someone who is good with pvc/overflow projects. Basically, I have my whole pvc overflow system set up and it works perfectly. Once the water balances in the tank the cycle is flawless. I have put in all sorts of fail safes like siphon breaks but there is still one issue that I cannot seem to understand why it is occurring. If I do something to throw a hitch in the system to test the fails safes a problem occurs. Lets say I turn the pump off; next, the overflow would empty the tank up until the water does not reach it. Then if I turn the pump back (say the electricity went out and then came back on) the pump begins to pump water back into the overflow but once the overflow is full of water again it does begin to actively siphon water down again and thus the tank would simply overflow. There are two things that I am thinking are contributing to this; one, I did not drill a hole in the top of the overflow loop where you would normally put airline and maybe a air pump. When I made the overflow I was under the impression that this was only for ease of starting the siphon. In reality are you supposed to have that airline running all the time? Second, could the overflow design just be fault and for some reason not re sealing the siphon effect when the water raises again? The siphon works great when the water gets a little low but not once it drops all the way below the overflow. If it helps I can upload pics in order to illustrate this better. Thanks for any help you can provide. Sic' em.

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