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Posts posted by rgoodwill

  1. Patrick the sand will stay alive for a while so long as its not super hot; I would say maybe a couple of days? There are a couple of problems with beach sand though that would you hear from many over protective reefers, but not me. My no BS advice on it would be that sometimes depending on the area the sand you get can actually look sort of ugly in the tank, but you will not really know until you try it out. Secondly, I have not found a reported incident of this happening but it is possible if she got it from a high traffic area of the beach that things like beer, urine, food, bird droppings, etc... could have gotten in the sand. Again I think this is a long stretch but I would make sure to clean the sand before it goes in to your brand new $500 tank lol. To clean sand is very easy actually even if you don't have some form of screen to sift with. I would take that bucket that has the sand in it and get a large Tupperware bowl and scoop a handful of sand into the Tupperware and pour some sink water into it. I would then use your hand and swish the sand all around and you will see a bunch of junk come out of it; next, poor the water out but keep the sand. Repeat this as much as necessary and your sand should be fine.

  2. Wanted to add in a sump PVC update

    Here is the overflow. I plan on taking the green filter off it once I find a better replacement.


    As you can see the top is very small and cannot be seen when it is in the tank; obviously this is ideal. Also, the system works great with around 4-5 fail safes that will keep from flooding 99.99999 percent of the time.


    If you pull the hood up this is what you would see of the overflow, but with the hood closed you cannot see it.


    This is a good view of what you would see from behind the tank, but the back of the tank has been painted black as you can see from the first pictures of this thread; therefore, you can no longer see the pvc when you look from the front of the tank.

    If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask/tell.

  3. I started this tank a couple of months ago and wanted to make a thread to keep track with its progression.


    As you can see this is the full view of the tank. The picture does not do it justice though.


    A little bit better pic as you can see. I am getting rid of that filter that you can see when I finish my sump on Monday night. After that there will basically be no pipes that can be seen in the tank; which will be great! I will update the pics then.


    This is a picture of my sump it is not full of water because it is not running yet. You can see the small light I bought at Target with a 6500k bulb in for the refurigium, and boy is that thing bright. I also have a heater in there that worked perfectly during my test runs. I will post pics of my pvc pipe work for anyone who wants to see how I set my overflow and sump up.

    Feel free to add comments, advice, or issues that you see. Thanks

  4. I am taking down a small tank that I have in order to make a larger and need to get rid of my clownfish. They are a mated pair as shown by there size and matting tendencies they might even produce eggs soon. The only problem is I have moved to Waco so you there are a couple of options for delivery. I could bring them to you for an additional fee, you could pick them up in waco, or I could ship them which is obviously more risky. Thanks


  5. I am taking down a small tank that I have in order to make a larger and need to get rid of my clownfish. They are a mated pair as shown by there size and matting tendencies they might even produce eggs soon. The only problem is I have moved to Waco so you there are a couple of options for delivery. I could bring them to you for an additional fee, you could pick them up in waco, or I could ship them which is obviously more risky. Thanks

  6. well interestingly enough my return pump is quite old. I would think for most people this would be a bad thing, but for me it limits my risk even more. The small aqualifter is brand new and has an external filter so the chance of failure is relatively low. On the other hand, the chance of failure with my return pump is fairly likely. If the return pump fails the return line is equipped with a siphon break which will not cause a flood. The only possible way to cause a flood under any circumstance is if the power was to go out then turn back on and then during the short 30 second period that it takes for the aqualifter to reseal the siphon for the aqualifter to randomly fail. If the aqualifter fails at any other time then it is okay because the overflow has an active siphon. The chance of there every being a flood is incredibly small.

  7. Also, if I put UV filter on a tank that is 37 gallons and the filter is rated for up to 250 would that mean that my water is getting exposed to much more light; therefore, keeping the water more clean? Thanks you have been very helpful!

  8. Very Sadly, not so great thanks for asking. I think that once the ich got worse they picked up a secondary disease. I QT'ed them all and lost every fish. I had never seen ich like this before in 24 hours it was basically unstoppable. Thanks for the help though everyone.

  9. Have you guys had any experience with UV sterilizers for SW tanks? I am looking at one to help control ich and water quality. It seems some people think that they do not work. Any opinions?

    I was looking at a coralife one btw...

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