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Posts posted by barderer

  1. I used red slime control from Blue vet in combination with phos-buster and all Cyano bacteria was eliminated in 2 days, Then I did a 65% water change to get potential junk out. No negative effects have been observed so far. I had to resort to this method because the water change/reduced lighting schedule method but it just kept coming back. Note: while this "chemical method" works its still not a long term solution. You have to get rid of the source of nutrients, tap water, over feeding, too much livestock. In my case it was my moray eel, after I gave him away the tank has stabilized and I have no cyano bacteria outbreaks and of course coral is growing much faster.


  2. Well my brown slime is gone. I nailed it with a variety of methods so I don't know which one really worked. Here is what I did.

    Took coral out once a day and applied iodine directly to affected area and brushed off slime.

    Let sit in iodine solution for 5 min.

    Treated tank with vitamin C

    Just so happens at the same time I was treating the tank with Red Slime remover and phosphate bust (Which both work GREAT btw, all red slime gone in two days). Maybe the red slime remover had something to do with removing the brown slime???

    Thats it, coral all healthy again.


  3. TRADED.

    I have a 12"-13" ish long snowflake moray that has outgrown my tank. He is very peaceful and very healthy. However, it will eat ornamental crabs , cleaner shrimp and the like. It will not attempt to eat your hermit crabs. It might also eat any really small fish. However it has never tried to eat my 2" long clown or my 3" dwarf lion fish. It is reef safe and I have had him in my 30 gal reef tank for about 2 years since he was only a few inches long. I would gladly take a frag of something for him, or if you have a really nice tank good for an eel I will give him to you for free.



  4. Two options. I can double my 36w pc lighting for 150 bucks for a total of 4x36w. Or I can install a 70w HQI for more than double that price. I am leaning toward the quad pc's because of price and heat. Are the kits really about equal? What is the math on depth of light penetration and wattage. Would the one 70w HQI penetrate deeper that two more 36w? I am also thinking about getting this skimmer. Thoughts?

    HQI 29 kit


    PC upgrade kit


    The only skimmer I think will work in the cube.




  5. yeah, well the clown is all up in it...it even sleeps in it :o And for some strange reason it does not move around like all other condys I have seen. I have about 15 red hermits and they haven't hit it yet?...well I guess it is some form of hatian condy...most hatian ones I have seen have white tentacles and pinkish red bases. This one had green tentacles and a dark red base with green dots running along it. Well if its a condy its one bad *** condy!!!

  6. Does anyone know the type of anemone this is. It has a nice dark red base and greenish tentacles. It saw it at petco when I was buying salt and noticed it was being sold as a condy. If it is a condy its the best one I have ever seen and it sure does not looks like any condys I have seen before...and I have never seen a condy host a clown... Got it for 6 bucks. I have also included a pic of my tank for entertainment value.





  7. Hi, I am looking for anyone that wants to give me a clipping of Anthelia and/or Xenia. Just a small piece is needed as it grows so well. All the xenia and anthelia suddenly died in my tank recently and I want to see if I have corrected the problem and it can grow again.



  8. Well all Xenia and Anthelina is dead. The PO3- levels where pretty high so that may have been the reason but I don't know for sure. I did a massive water change and am monitoring things like a hawk now. I think it was just a water quality problem. Oh well, I wanted to free up some room for some other coral anyway :)

  9. I let it sit for a day before adding it to the tank. And it was only 10%. BTW it looks like Xenia is suffering too but not dead. I have like 10 other types of coral in there and they are doing on. Its freaken me out. Maybe I added too much trace elements and the Xenia and Anthelia are the most sensitive to it??

  10. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about this. The other day a I did a water change (10%) and within a day all of my Anthelia is dead. All other coral appears to be unaffected. What could cause such a hardy coral to just die like that? I ran the slew of tests and everything in the tank is within normal parameters. I have recently been dosing with that two part calcium supplement and I change sea salt from instant ocean to oceanic salt.



  11. hmm all good ideas. Here is what I do. Get a few of those suction cups that come with algae feeders. Drill some holds in a porus live rock of choice. Cement sucktion cups on flattened surface of rock. Attach coral to rock. You now have a movable, glass sticking coral.


  12. I want a one! I bought some yellow ones off saltwaterfish.com but the polyps have not come out yet so I think they died in shipping. So count me in for one.


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