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Posts posted by barderer

  1. 83 shouldn't be too catastrophic what type of coral is it? I have had acros up to 86 with no problems. Its more about the fluctuation in temperature. Avg reef temps are usually in the mid 80s. Its just so hard to keep a tank at 79...

  2. Starting a new 10gal cube and need a little sand. If you have some extra lying around here is your opportunity to sell it. Dead is fine as I will most likely boil it to eliminate any chance of pest algae. Unless its just crawling with goodness then I will HAVE to keep it alive...



  3. awesome, well lets work something out then. I have a nice tri-color acro or we could do cash.


    He's quite a bit bigger than the small pistol shrimp I have seen and I wouldn't think he's a threat since it eats totally different food. My sixline has never messed with it either.

    He's an Asterina eating machine. He rid my 29 of at least 100 stars in less than 3 weeks!

  4. hmm I would love to get rid of my Asterina stars. I have a pistol shrimp and goby and a sixline will they mess with the H?


    I'm trading my H. Shrimp since he has totally rid my tank of Asterina stars. He/she has molted twice since being in my care.

    I'd like to trade for frags of some sps if you've got them.

    Thanks for looking!

  5. That sucks, everyone has had a crash at one point, it is very frustrating. How long were the fans in your water plugged in? If they were in there a long time electrolysis might have started to take place. Chlorine gas might have started to form in the water and poison the inhabits . Is the water a different tint? If so change all or the majority of your water. The electricity from a 12V fan shouldn't have killed your corals.

    This video I found on 'utube' demonstrates the principle.

    Lots of other nasty stuff could have been made as well depending on what metals are present on the electrodes of your fan.

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