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Everything posted by barderer

  1. The nudis are a waste of time. Catch your wrasse and QT him for a while and drop some peppermint shrimp in there. Ones caught on the Texas coast are preferable, as I know these eat the nems. They will nuke your problem in a week. ORRR you can setup a 10gal tank with tank water from water changes and some LR. Put your infested rocks in there one at a time with a few peppermints and they will clean it. Then ad it back to your tank.
  2. Can someone ident this costal gobyish looking fish?
  3. I have not had luck catching peppermints during the winter. Still haven't figured out why some times they are there and sometimes they are not. Of course check the tide schedule. You want low tide.
  4. I have some really large cured base rock you might want to take a look at.
  5. Looking for a R.B.T.A. Mainly want to get on your list to receive your next clone etc. if you have one that does so. I am patient and don't need it immediately or anything. Just one piece I want to add to my tank. Just send me a P.M. and let me know if you would be willing to sell me one the next time your splits or if you have available at the moment. Thanks, Nick sorry for the sp error in topic title.
  6. I can think of 100 things worse than sponges to have a problem with...consider yourself lucky
  7. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3214/04.html check this
  8. rules state put your price or don't put.
  9. Everything sold. Thanks to everyone that stopped by.
  10. 2 sold, 1 colony of xenia and acro left. N
  11. Pics are of actual conies in my tank. I have 3 pom pom colonies for sale. $15. And one 2.5" inch frag of tri-color acro sps $10. Trades are welcome. I am looking for frags of tyee polypee birds nest. Purple birds nest, blue acro or stag. Nick
  12. indeed I recommend keeping these isolated on a rock that isn't touching other rocks.
  13. umm sell price was 250. Looks like you will end up good on that deal
  14. barderer

    Snowflake Eel

    get a piece of pvc and cap one end. Put in tank let sit for a few days. He will go in. wait until he goes in. Grab tube.
  15. barderer

    Rare Fish?

    your eel will rapidly outgrow your tank. And really limit your options.
  16. All monti sold for now. Hold next for Cody.
  17. Large purple Monti Cap for sale(approx 6" by 4". $20 or I will trade for another SPS. Nick
  18. very cool specimen choice Mike. If only they lived longer! I would to come by and see this some time if you will have me. Nick
  19. I have red sea pom pom xenia, very nice for cubes. half dollar sized colony for 10 bucks.
  20. barderer


    I need a sump good enough for a 10-20 gal show tank. Thanks, N
  21. likewise, I hope those frags work out and you get some solid SPS going under those nice lights.
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