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Everything posted by barderer

  1. I think this could be a good candidate for a frag tank. its equal to a 100w Halogen, nice par values and you could put the thing right next to the water. I wonder if you could replace the LED's on this with bluer ones. E.G. just use the nice electronics.
  2. if you are going to do sps, or any corals that grow up and out. I would leave a little head room. Right now you don't have much grow up space. It will look good for the first 6m but after your corals start kicking up some serious growth you might wish you had more room. Points about flow dead spots also valid.
  3. http://www.lightbulbshop.net/pure38.html
  4. right here, http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=28.045925,+-96.951599&sll=28.016529,-96.963959&sspn=0.131844,0.264187&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Aransas+Bay&z=12 caught him while casting for bait fish.
  5. Well I caught a sea horse and have him in a LAME tank right now so I am making one just for him and a few pipe fish. Check it out installing back cambers and floss holder. Back glued on
  6. yeah sounds good, give me a call when you want to come by I pmed you my number
  7. Time to trim down the tank again. Will break off 3"x2" chunks of my cap. $10 Pom Pom Xenia colonies $5. or 3 for $10 All pics are of actually colonies shot under 50/50 10k/actinic lighting. Thanks, Nick
  8. thanks Cindy, colony looks great.
  9. I have some dragons breadth, I'll trade you handful for handful if you want to come downtown.
  10. Hi I am looking for parts you have lying around for a frag tank I am going to make. Need 36w PC ballast square pin sockets heaters power heads pumps Let me know what you got and what you want for it. Nick
  11. word, well if I head up to gtown anytime soon I will let you know. If you head through downtown let me know and we can plan this thing out.
  12. hey coolbreeze, I will trade you some purple monti cap for 2 of your purple/greenish shrooms. Do you ever come into downtown austin? ure pm box is full btw. nick
  13. that is a dope pump. Do you need two of these to get wavebox like action?
  14. http://madscientistnz.wordpress.com/2009/04/05/a-hermit-crab-in-a-glass-shell/
  15. I have a excess of white pom pom xenia right now. I will hook ya up for cheap if you want to stop by. Nick
  16. Hey SPS guys, looking for a multi branch frag of Hawkin's Blue Echinata. LMK N
  17. barderer

    trading out my sps

    aw man I wanted a small frag of cali
  18. luv the puffer pics.
  19. Unless your clean, dry and cover your mixing container when its not in use, you will get some TDS. There are good and bad dissolved solids. Left over salt and a little dust from the air are fine. I wouldn't worry about it.
  20. I am interested when your trash day is
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