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Everything posted by Bry

  1. Hey Woods. I'm in Cedar Park too. Can you keep me in mind next time you have just res shrooms to prune off? Also just curious what those zoas are called a little up and to the right of #3
  2. Bry

    damsel + clown

    haha. I've had a yellowtail damsel for years. I know I'm lucky because he's not started any fights with any fish... until I brought home a new false p. clownfish a month ago. Clownfish has never tried to hassle anyone, just a sweet guy. But the damself found a fish a little smaller than himself and fought... not even in one area of the tank but anywhere in the tank. I'm saying this as it was an interesting story (seeing it live) and because, maybe, it is good that they are separated even though they both would have been introduced to a new home.
  3. The ones I've seen get really big. That means pushed over rock, cornered fish and suffering corals. If you do find the tiny ones, let me know where!
  4. I do have a copperband bf and and have had him a little over a year I believe. Mostly I have softies (zoaz, shrooms, ricordea) in my tank not but I did have on SPS when I got him and the fish never cared for them. I only feed him once a day. He doesn't like anything but frozen food so, for me, a fish feeder is out of the question. If you are considering the copperband, read up on their acclimation and feeding. Acclimating is fine itself, but they often have a little ich and often don't eat away. Mine was a little of both buy adding garlic drops to all his feedings quickly got him healthy and a great eater.
  5. I love my Copperband. You just can't have fan worms you like.
  6. Ever near central Austin during the weekday or north in the evenings?
  7. still have that Fiji yellow?
  8. ha, I was actually hoping you would reply. Tomorrow I'm going to be unavailable all day but this evening I might be able to come by. Other than that during the week in the evening (close to 7 or later), I'm available. You know I've been interested in some of that hairy mushroom for a while.
  9. Hey my schedule is weird but I'm looking to get rocordia, mushrooms, hairy mushrooms; not really zoas unless they are very colorful, devil's hand, yellow fiji, other leathers, etc. and I'd like to stay close to this area. Nothing that requires direct feeding like duncans. No GSPs or xenia please. I have a lot of purple shrooms, I'd prefer reds, blues, oranges, bright greens, yellow, pink... just not browns, dull greens or purples = got 'em. I now it's picky, I don't mean to be but I'm willing to pay for it and I'm just curious who in the area might have some colorful soft corals they're ready to trim.
  10. Bry

    coral frags

    would like to see pics but may be interested in eagle eye zoa and rainbow raptor zoa
  11. I"m interested in the yellow fiji and any other softies you may have. Also would like to grab some snails. Will PM
  12. Yes it is as of last Friday. I've seen them interview people but not sure for what positions.
  13. I'm going back and forth on those. Hopefully you'll make a video entry on the topic so I can see your opinions as well.
  14. Juice, got home and saw the aquarilum glass cover still there. You want it? edit: just saw your note... what time is "after work" so I'll keep my wife from grabbing it?
  15. Hey Juiceman, I have one side for you if you want it. I'm in Cedar Park. It's the kind that folds so you can open the front but again, only one side so it will only cover half of your 90g. You sure you want to cover your tank like that? Holds in a lot of heat and CO2. I can leave it outside of my house on the frong side if you want to come get it.
  16. Ramsey, normally you'd be fine but RCA said it wasn't all shipped. Give them a call first. I bet they would give you some of theirs to get you what you needed.
  17. Just gave RCA the final list. I only had one person that didn't respond to me about the name (see above) I hope he/she is taken care of. Jake will get the salt this Friday during the day. I'll try to get the time and edit this post but I'm sure it will be mid afternoon-ish. When you go Friday to pick it up, just give them your name and pay for it then. Easy-cheesy.
  18. I haven't heard from on other person in several days so I'll get you on the list.
  19. DOH!!! Yes, I do mean the 27th. I only need Bluefish's name PM'd to me to send the order over.
  20. Hey guys. Thanks for your responses to getting your names to me. I only have one person's name left that I need sent over then I'll email Jake @ River City Aquatics. And thank you all too. I need salt as well so thanks for jumping on this with me to save us all money. I'll get the list to RCA, then we can go pick them up THIS FRIDAY 5/22 (not sure of a time).
  21. Since RCA is wanting 15 instead of only 10 buckets, we will only need to get 15 buckets for this group buy. I don't really want to start swaying people that I've already counted toward another salt after RCA is kind enough to set this deal up and take so many buckets. I only need one more bucket of Red Sea Pro to make this happen. Hey Hydro, I thought you were wanting 6 buckets of Pro? By the way, RCA has asked that I proved the names & quantities of everyone in on this deal. Those who have said they want some Pro, please PM me your real names so I can submit to RCA. Thanks, Bryan
  22. It's in a bucket, I'm not sure about individual bags in the bucket. So to be sure, are you wanting 5 buckets?
  23. Hey not long ago I was job hunting and sure appreciated when anyone posted something in oddball places for a job (meaning the whole world may not be seeing it). I work at PeopleAdmin and they are looking for an Implementation Project Manager. Basically getting our software out to our client's system. Great company, interesting work, proud enough of it to share this. If you are interested go check them online and apply. You can PM me to get my name as a referral. I don't think anyone else there has a saltwater tank so maybe it would be good to have one of you out there. ha
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