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Everything posted by Bry

  1. Bry

    Blenny disease?

    Well months later I can say that it hasn't happened again. I have only added a sailfin tang and a spiny urchin. I have not done anything to may tank like a cleaning overhaul or add chemicals. All other animals still seem fine. It is still a mystery yet I would totally buy a blenny and copperband again. They were great. I know it's not an answer to what you should do. I think there is nothing at this point. I've read about adding chemicals(medicine) and possibilities but nothing really seem to be a real cure.. just others' ideas.
  2. Bry

    Newbie Special

    Great! At Sea World now but will be back in town tomorrow.
  3. Bry

    Newbie Special

    I'd like to be a backup if you need one. I live in CP as well. Will PM.
  4. Bry

    Blenny disease?

    My lawnmower blenny did the same thing. Had good energy up until the last couple of days. Just kept getting skinny. I actually think at one point he started to gain then lost it again even though he'd eat. He was about 6 yrs old and that's about the beginning of "old age" for them with some living 9 yrs. Wierd though, just over a week later my 2 yr old copperband butterfly had the same thing. Didn't fight it as long though. I thought it was the blenny's old age until it happened to my copperband, who was always happy and a good eater. All other fish are fine.
  5. I know you want to figure out the chiller, but I just want to 2nd want mhart said above about a fan. My tank runs 80-82 in the summer. I didn't like that although my tank seemed fine. I added a small clip on fan and just pointed it above the tank, not even into the water and WOW, got down to 76 before I turned it off. I now have it down above the sump so I can stay closer to the 79-80 range. Again, off topic but worth the $$ savings.
  6. that worm is fine. I used to eradicate only the one that got really big, but that was for my own peace more than anything I read or saw. They're pretty cool.
  7. I think you'd get plenty of coraline w/out adding calcium at this time (to answer your other post). Just a bit of patience and the right color of lighting will get it going. Maybe if you use the Algaefix and turbo snail(s) to clear the rock, the coraline could eventually grow in and help keep the GHA back.
  8. I did use API's Algaefix marine a bit too before adding GFO. It really helped but not 100%. After adding GFO, I didn't do the chems any longer and just was patient to get the rest out.
  9. yeah if it's bryopsis, do the Kent Tech M magnesium thing and hope for the best. It didn't work for me and actually hurt a couple of things but hear good results mostly when I read around the web. Bryopsis is the worst...
  10. I'm getting a few things from oozark but I'm still open if anyone is reading this and lives in the NWA/Cedar Park/Leander area. I also work downtown and could meet someone at 5pm downtown... yeah I know that narrows it down a lot but there are a lot of condos DT or folks just getting DT at that time. Thanks. Bryan
  11. Polar, I had the same problems. My 90g was getting hair although I had started the GFO/coal a couple of weeks earlier. The GFO was working as I had no phosphates but I still had nitrates and still had green hair algae. I thought about getting another reactor for pellets. What I did was just wait. Yes I added a few more random snails, some worthless hermits and a really cool fighting conch. Water changes do happen every week or two but nothing really changed in my setup and I didn't see those animals really breaking it down for me (I do have one mex turbo that loves hair algae but only on smoother surfaces that he can easily navigate - he couldn't keep up though and I hear some people say theirs won't touch it at all.) So, like I said, I waited. Well I waited and I also cleaned the rocks in my sump, filters on my pumps and some of the glass in my sump. Also made sure I was changing the filter sock every 4 days to a week. It seems like waiting and a little maintenance helped. I wasn't over feeding but I will say that I now have an Apex that helps me turn off the cirulation pumps during feeding. That keeps the food in the water column so more of it gets eaten. But even before turning off the pumps, waiting for the GFO a few weeks longer seemed to help. I hope you have the same experience. Maybe you can also try some of the little things I did above. I used wash the food before I fed it to the tank too but I have to admit I've gotten lazy about that. May be worth a try on your end. Good luck.
  12. Woods, you're awesome for holding that for my response. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I will pass this time as I'm looking to just get a couple of soft corals at a little lower price (I've been spending a lot on my tank lately - wifey starting to look at me funny) I still would like to know whenever you are ready to move some red mushrooms. Thanks so much.
  13. Hey Woods. I'm in Cedar Park too. Can you keep me in mind next time you have just res shrooms to prune off? Also just curious what those zoas are called a little up and to the right of #3
  14. still have that Fiji yellow?
  15. ha, I was actually hoping you would reply. Tomorrow I'm going to be unavailable all day but this evening I might be able to come by. Other than that during the week in the evening (close to 7 or later), I'm available. You know I've been interested in some of that hairy mushroom for a while.
  16. Hey my schedule is weird but I'm looking to get rocordia, mushrooms, hairy mushrooms; not really zoas unless they are very colorful, devil's hand, yellow fiji, other leathers, etc. and I'd like to stay close to this area. Nothing that requires direct feeding like duncans. No GSPs or xenia please. I have a lot of purple shrooms, I'd prefer reds, blues, oranges, bright greens, yellow, pink... just not browns, dull greens or purples = got 'em. I now it's picky, I don't mean to be but I'm willing to pay for it and I'm just curious who in the area might have some colorful soft corals they're ready to trim.
  17. I"m interested in the yellow fiji and any other softies you may have. Also would like to grab some snails. Will PM
  18. I'm going back and forth on those. Hopefully you'll make a video entry on the topic so I can see your opinions as well.
  19. Ramsey, normally you'd be fine but RCA said it wasn't all shipped. Give them a call first. I bet they would give you some of theirs to get you what you needed.
  20. Just gave RCA the final list. I only had one person that didn't respond to me about the name (see above) I hope he/she is taken care of. Jake will get the salt this Friday during the day. I'll try to get the time and edit this post but I'm sure it will be mid afternoon-ish. When you go Friday to pick it up, just give them your name and pay for it then. Easy-cheesy.
  21. I haven't heard from on other person in several days so I'll get you on the list.
  22. DOH!!! Yes, I do mean the 27th. I only need Bluefish's name PM'd to me to send the order over.
  23. Hey guys. Thanks for your responses to getting your names to me. I only have one person's name left that I need sent over then I'll email Jake @ River City Aquatics. And thank you all too. I need salt as well so thanks for jumping on this with me to save us all money. I'll get the list to RCA, then we can go pick them up THIS FRIDAY 5/22 (not sure of a time).
  24. Since RCA is wanting 15 instead of only 10 buckets, we will only need to get 15 buckets for this group buy. I don't really want to start swaying people that I've already counted toward another salt after RCA is kind enough to set this deal up and take so many buckets. I only need one more bucket of Red Sea Pro to make this happen. Hey Hydro, I thought you were wanting 6 buckets of Pro? By the way, RCA has asked that I proved the names & quantities of everyone in on this deal. Those who have said they want some Pro, please PM me your real names so I can submit to RCA. Thanks, Bryan
  25. It's in a bucket, I'm not sure about individual bags in the bucket. So to be sure, are you wanting 5 buckets?
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