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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I swear I always need something. Placing another order. Anyone need anything. Ordering today before 2:00
  2. I'm about to make a move to eradicate my Trash Palys. Had any luck trying any of these. I'm leaning towards paying the money and getting the Aiptasia X.
  3. Both are being picked up today, but I can cut more frogspawn Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It's slightly bigger than a softball Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Both still available Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. $20 6 headed frag Frogspawn 2 heads splitting $20 Colony (NOT for Sale) Pm for best response Pickup in Manor or at Reagan high during the week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. didn't hear from anyone so the order has already been placed
  8. I'm placing a BRS order for Carbon and HC GFO today already at free shipping. If you need anything or would like to split the cost of the HC GFO with me, let me know.
  9. Flex PVC is very hard to work with. FYI. It's super hard to bend in any way other than what it already is. Just a heads up
  10. You'd have really crappy PE if you had them. Red bugs don't hurt the coral directly, they just stop it from eating basically.
  11. I want one! Not that big though
  12. Depending on what you end up doing, some people find it easier to use like flexible pool tubing or similar. There's nothing like organized coordinated pvc though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. If you can stay away from large sections of flex pvc it would be best.... I hated trying to make it work with the natural curl from being spooled. You can use small sections of it to make awkward angles work better but don't plan to use it for long distances, it's a pain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. After that, I'd try using a different outlet on your EB8, might have a bad one. (has happened to me before also)
  15. check the connection on the power supply and then the dimmer connection itself. I had trouble and would have to jiggle mine sometimes to get them to connect correctly.
  16. You bringing all that goodness to the swap Saturday Juiceman? I have a Marching Festival this weekend.....
  17. I have lots of GSP, Shrooms for free or cheap. I also have hammer and frogspawn that I can cut if you'd like. $10 a head
  18. Have you had any issues with bleaching? I did a tad bit of research and the PAR those ATI Hybirds put out are insane! I wonder since my tank is only 25" deep if they would be too bright (if there is such a thing)? I assume I would need 2 of the 48" fixtures to cover the 8' span. My tank is 24". No problems so far. They're mounted about 6-7" above the water. I have the LED's peaking out at about 60%, but i'm probably going to kick it up a bit. I have BMLs on the tank right next to them so you could get an idea of the difference. Up to you, I drove around town looking at peoples lights during the summer so I could make an informed decision about what fixtures to go with.
  19. And yes, The MP60 will work but you'd have to have it up super high to get it to push that far which will make it loud.....
  20. You're right, it must be the school Firewall because I can see them on my phone. I had an SPS dominant tank with Build My LEDs. I was never happy with the growth or color. I really like the ATI Hybrids so far! The bulbs will be changed once a year. I think it will be worth the yearly cost.
  21. Also, for an 8' Tank, Vortechs won't cover that ground. Without 4-5 MP40s lining the back glass you will have lots of dead spots in the center. is the tank going to have a close loop pump? otherwise, I'd go with Tunze, Wp's/Rw's, Gyres, or possibly the ecotechs. I don't know much about them yet, either way you're going to need something that covers more length than a vortech.
  22. I can't see the renders..... Sad to say but I had tons of BML's over my tank and I didn't get great color and growth. Ironically I had better color and growth with the Evolution Fixtures I started with that were just White and Blue. I've seen lots of tanks with Radions that have great SPS growth and color. Another popular fixture especially for the price are the ones that Ty and Vu have. IDK the name If you have the budget, come take a peek at my ATI Hybrid Powermodules, 8 bulb T-5 Fixtures with LED's integrated. I'm very satisfied and still plan to tinker for more tuned colors.
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