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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I'm using pvc to hold my rock towers together. You can even tap the bigger pvc pipes to screw a smaller diameter pipe into, to create a branch. It's been easy and made a really solid structure. I know others use acrylic rods and I'm pretty sure I've heard of someone using plastic hangers. About the eel, maybe you can find a rock with a tunnel? That's what mine lives in, and he stays with that tunnel no matter where I place the rock, so far. I'm making sure to place it up front in the new tank so we can watch him and also keep it accessible.
  2. Same here, I love mine! Great deal and I like the name!
  3. Great price, especially already eating frozen! I love mine!
  4. KimP

    Paly pruning

    I don't have much advice, just really sorry it happened. Maybe run a poly filter and see if anything shows up?
  5. The new tank is getting wet with saltwater right now :D

  6. Yes, absolutely. Child proof doors are a must in this house. I'd never get my kids out of the sump if it was accessible! They'd think it was their own indoor saltwater pool, especially the baby, lol. Plus I can't risk that closed loop plumbing getting yanked on. Heck until last night, the baby spent half his free time everyday poking around the sump seeing what he could mess with. At least he's interested in a fun hobby, right!?
  7. The past couple nights I've managed to finish hanging the doors on the stand, get the light under the sump, and add the dry sand to the display. This past weekend we also got the drawer made and mounted for the electronics. The doors were so much more tricky than I expected. Mounting those child proof hidden magnet locks and getting all 3 doors centered and strait was no easy task. Now that it's done and I can keep the kids out of the sump, I'm going to do a water change on my 90gal and put that water in the new sump with a pump running. Then the cycle can begin! In just the sump at least, but I'll take it! The wood floor side. This will be textured and painted like drywall to blend in with the surrounding wall. I don't anticipate needing to access from this side much. The door you can see cut and the surrounding plywood can all easily be removed. Still need to match the stain but not the priority right now Sand!
  8. KimP

    Tank move

    Pm Mike. The club has some to loan out, I'm pretty sure!
  9. KimP

    Salt Mixes

    I dose Aquavitro Fuel and it looks the same way going in! Like highlighter.
  10. I have one but I'm south too
  11. KimP

    Salt Mixes

    I used red sea coral pro for a long time and switched to...maybe corallife?... can't remember. But it's a lot cheaper. My tank looks better than it has in a while, which probably has nothing to do with the salt mix. Haven't noticed needing to dose extra. I'm happy with the switch so far.
  12. That's a tunicate! Those are great filter feeders. I usually always have some even if I buy them because I like them. If that just showed up in your tank, you must be doing a great job!
  13. I can frag you a head of mine. It's bright metallic green. I'm in way south Austin though.
  14. Well it's actually a separate container, it just sits next to the sump. But it's still pretty awesome!
  15. That's funny, you're the second person to mention the shirt change. I had to redo the first part of the video, so it was filmed a week apart. Guess I should've worn the same shirt, ha!
  16. Thanks. I don't know why it's so hard to remember what I'm supposed to say once the camera's recording
  17. So far on the stand I've managed to paint 2 layers of kilz, then used some leftover latex paint from painting the house to finish sealing it up. Used silicone on any gaps that would allow moisture into the walls, replaced the sump, and got most of the stand skinned. Still need to hang the cabinet doors, not by hinges but using those hidden magnet child proof locks. Not sure how to explain it but I'll post pics when I get a chance to install the doors. This way I can just easily remove them completely and have full access, but the kids can't.
  18. The video covering the sump layout is done
  19. That's GWS branching Chaos Cyphastrea That's neat, I didn't know there was a branching variety!
  20. Well, the outlet is all fixed up and as waterproof as an electrician can get it. Now that that's out of the way my plan is to get the inside of the stand finished up and skin the outside. Inside the stand I want to paint a little more, seal up some areas with silicone caulk where moisture can enter the wall and where water could get through to the wood floor, then fix up the electronics area. I have all the plans and measurements done for skinning the stand just need to get a few more boards and I'm ready to go on that. Once it's enclosed the kids won't be able to mess around down there and I can start filling the tank with saltwater. I'm also working on the aquascape. This is a tough one. All along I've wanted to have a minimalistic scape, with lots of area for fish to swim and mostly to be able to see from the kitchen/dining area into the playroom. Now that I'm really trying to come up with a scape and place rocks and all, I'm having to be realistic about my coral addiction. I'm more of a coral person than a fish one and that doesn't seem to be changing. Sooooooo, now I'm thinking much more along the lines of quite a bit of rock, possibly 2 rock stacks with a channel between, off center and to a diagonal so that you have to come around the tank a bit to see through. Lots of people are doing that these days, so you probably know what I mean. Since I'm drilling rock and using pvc to support it all, I'm hoping to have tunnels and caves to be able to look through into the other room and make it more interesting. That's the latest idea right now. Ideally I'd like to keep a clean sandbed so the reality is I need lots of area to place corals. It won't be a rock wall or anything, but not minimalistic either. It's a little tricky right now since I'm not ready to transfer my rock over, so I'm working with dry rock and trying to plan at the same time for the live rock currently in my 90g. There's at least one rock in particular that has to go in the new tank for sure because it houses the eel. That way I can place him right where I want him, directly in sight for the kids and ease of feeding it. Later I hope to have a chance to demonstrate/draw up what I have in mind for some feedback.
  21. I was all but ready to pull the trigger on a 175g tank... then I decided I should put a quick budget together... that changed my mind, well at least postponed that action. That's why you don't put a budget together Sometimes you've just gotta jump in and get things one by one along the way and hopefully used.....175g is a nice size! J/K about the budget. It's a smart thing to do so you don't end up with too many surprises.
  22. Thanks for the fun and interesting update. And those corals you got are amazing!!
  23. Very nice. What's the other chalice besides the mummy eye? Both are amazing. I'd love to have a mummy eye chalice like that someday!
  24. Wow, your tank looks amazing! Great job. Those are some nice chalices. Good to see a tank like this lit by leds
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