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Posts posted by Bogdan

  1. Ugh. That sucks. How is your dosing handled ? Are you running carbon ? Any creatures whose death could cause this ?

    kalkwasser with ATO, have a bag of carbon, no creature dead or alive could be responsible for that.

    sure there could be! sea apple death, anemone getting shredded in a powerhead, boxfish, etc. Sounds like nothing like that happened though.

    did you just happen to change your GFO? Ive had alk swings/phosphate swings that reealllly made my SPS mad.

    What I ment was that it didnt happen in my tank. No GFO at all.

    Stray voltage? Do you have some of the same equipment as when it happened the first time?

    Sucks man, I've been there. I got you on some SPS frags!

    I checked that and wasnt able to measure any voltage. Unless it was an elecrtical spike.

  2. Man that's ruff. I had something similar happen. I only thing I found was my nitrates and phosphates were 0. Started feeding and things came back. Have you tested for that? That happened quick.

    I do feed the corals every other day and they grow. The zero for nitrite and phosphate means that the level is below detection of the kit I am using. It cant be the cause of sudden death of the corals, it happened in eight hours.

  3. My tank has been cursed or something. Today is almost the one year aniversary of the bleaching disaster that wiped out my tank of SPSes. I did not find any resonable explanation for the sudden death of corals. After that accident everything went back to normal, I added several new frags and they were growing nicely until today. In the morning everything was OK but when I got back from work I saw most of the SPS coral completely bleached, white, the external ectoderm gone. All this happened during 8 hours. I did not touched the tank yesterday, did not even feed the fish. The tank is run by controller so that I see the temp., pH, light et cetera. No spikes of any kind, just checked the water (Temp. 79.2, pH 7.9, salinity 1.023, Ca 440 ppm, hardness 9 dKH, phosphate and nitrate undetectable on the DPI kit). Fish, crabs and all other creatures are fine, 2 or 3 SPSes look just normal with extended polyps, softies some normal some irritated and polyps closed. Most of the SPS and LPS (dendro) dead. Have no clue what just happend. Frankly speaking right now I am frustrated and think of giving up. What kind of sick coincidens is that ? Last time July 2nd 2012 and today July 17th 2013. Take a look at that.

    Sunset montipora is dying post-1739-0-65786700-1374117432_thumb.jpirritated zoaspost-1739-0-39566800-1374117452_thumb.jpdead dendropost-1739-0-13166200-1374117467_thumb.jpdying stunner chalicepost-1739-0-71357200-1374117486_thumb.jpdead cyphasterapost-1739-0-75834000-1374117500_thumb.jpdead birdnests and digitata post-1739-0-47038600-1374117514_thumb.jpred, blu and green digi are gonepost-1739-0-77059500-1374117527_thumb.jppink pocillophora and another birdnets completely bleachedpost-1739-0-56846400-1374117538_thumb.jp

  4. I don't know if you are aware that there is actually controller made on the base of arduino, it is Reef Angel. I am using this controller and I am very happy with it. It is run based on the open source software and covers all possible gizmos you can imagine in the reef tank. It is constantly improving and expanding, also is relatively cheap comparing to other controllers on the market. Check out the website and forum and you will find a lot of help even if you plan on making it by yourself. http://www.reefangel.com/

  5. Impeller axle broke in my old Accela pump (the original which comes in JBJ 28G Biocube) during the cleaning process. This is plastic 2.5" rod. If you have one that you don't need or have any ideas for replacement for this part please LMK.


  6. Siphon out the cyanobacter carefully with the upper layer of substrate attached to it. Check water parameters especially PO4 and NO3. Do not overfeed and most importantly increase the water movement in the substrate proximity. Get the skimmer running. Be aggressive or it will reappear soon.

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