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Everything posted by wizardx322

  1. i not in a rush i can wait just let me know
  2. same thing happen to me my tank pulls alot of electricity since my house has alot of electronics running all the time the addition of my tank the breaker would trip once in a while. my dad thoughts it was an old breaker so we replace that one but still was happening. we decided to do a dedicaded ( hope i spelled that right) circuit for my fish tank now no more problems and got plenty of energy to spare. if you need a circuit to be ran i can ask my dad how much he will charge. pm me if you want me to find out
  3. i need to up my clean up crew anyone intereested in ordering?
  4. If you aren't joking then you should know that's like trying to trade a kia for a mercedes rofl
  5. that not good i hope the tang is just hiding.
  6. here is what i found on wave point t5 bulbs http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1635266&page=5
  7. aquatek, and rivercity sells wave point bulbs also just wanted to know if they are any good since they are only $15 each
  8. i am about to add 4 x t5''s to my lighting and i was wondering where the best place to buy new bulbs would be? i am thinking of getting some ati's but was wondering if anyone has expierence with wave point t5's and if they are any good?
  9. jake at river city had some last time i was there no idea how much .
  10. what you use to catch yours? i dont want to kill my shrimps thats like $70 if i want to buy new ones lol.
  11. does anyone have a fish trap i can barrow. i wanna catch my cleaner shrimps and harlequin.
  12. if you run the reactor and put the effluent somewhere else and later dose would not make sense because you should be able to control the effluent coming out into your tank and the rate at which calcium is produced by melting the media and turning on and off the c02. granted a dosing pump gives you more accuracy since you know how much is being added per hour but also you would need a constant supply of water for the calcium reactor unless you only run it on a timer or when you need the calcium. also how would you know how much calcium is coming out of the effluent to dose with a dosing pump?
  13. you can cut the byssal thread with a sharp razor blade but cut at the rock and away from the clam and be careful not to hurt the foot ( i have cut threads 2 times and my clams lived) when cutting if you can lift the clam alittle you should be able to see the threads. ive tried other methods but didnt work for me IMO i would leave it be the only reason i did mine was cuz i was transfering tanks and really wasnt able to alcamate (how ever you spell that word) they lay the threads down when they like a place and to help protect them if you do get it off the rock. put it in the sand bed and put a shell under it that way its stuck to the shell and not a rock and you can move the clam freely.
  14. if you go biopellets make sure to test your tank and to over feed cuz they work too well that it pulls so much nutrients out that your sps (will start to rtn/stn)
  15. I think I have good polyp extension on my coral when my lights are on but at night I notice the polyps are crazy extended. Any idea how I can get my corals to do this during the day?
  16. 512-470-0338 I just got mine from him open top for $27 and he delivered it at no extra charge forgot his name though
  17. that is awsome i remember seeing pics of some white tang. i wonder how much one would cost. prob alot !!!
  18. I have no expience with vortech mp's but was thinking about getting those instead of a wave box. i was thinking 2 mp10's or 1 mp40 for my 90 gal for those of yall using them what are yalls opinion. the cost is almost the same for 2 mp10 or 1 mp40.
  19. tried to pm you but box is full i think anyway how much you looking for? pm me i am about to pull my fuge out this weekend so i will have alot if you want it all lmk
  20. WTB calcium reactor set pm me with price and pic if possible and what all comes with it.
  21. The clam might detach and go to the new rock/shell if you put it under it( i would recommend giving this a try so its easier in the future to move where ever you want and it wont attach to the rock most likely . you can also if you are not happy and really and i do mean really want to move him you can cut the byssal thread. be extra extremely careful doing this because of the foot ( i have cut the threads before). i just scraped at the rock instead so get the thread off i did not just cut them. be careful not to cut hurt the foot!!!!! i've never had a clam die on me before so i must of done something right also if the clam is not happy it will detach my maxima did this when i placed it on a rock. he was attached to a shell and then i moved him up and he tossed the shell and attached to the rock. but overall i would go with what rob says leave him be if there is nothing wrong. the clam will change what ever direction it will be happiest. i've tried to get them to stay a certain way one time but kept changing position so i just left him alone. GOOD LUCK !!! here a pic of my maxima
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