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Everything posted by bigmike015

  1. OK thanks, I just wanted to make sure everything in my tank wasn't going to fry.
  2. I just woke up this morning and when i checked to see what my tank was getting i am getting 64.5v What does that mean? Is that bad. What do i do?\
  3. Ok so just did another test. Got an extension cord used the ground hole on it and insereted the red into the water. When i tested water in the sump with everything running i was getting 29.4. With everything off on the Reefkeeper 2 getting 36.4 when i unplugged the main power source to the tank so nothing was getting power i got 3.6 What do i need to do?
  4. yes, and im getting 119 out of the wall. When i use the black ground hole do i use any particular ground hole or can i bring a ext. cord and use the ground off that? I am fixing to do a few more test to see what i get.
  5. Here is what I'm using, putting the black on a ground hole in a plug and the red into the tank. Are those the right settings
  6. When you test the sump and tank should it read 0 on the volt meter? I just tested mine from the main power supply to all my plugs and stuck the black lead in the sump and got 65 volts. I dont know what any of this means
  7. what part of town are you going to be in?
  8. Here are a few pics of my 90. Love the space Left side Right side FTS
  9. I've had these for a while, just have a huge chunk away cause I thought they were just ugly brown ones in the back of my tank. Today I moved some things around and put these close to my glass, and they look pretty cool. Wondering if anyone knows what they are? They are pink around the edge
  10. Print them with racing stripes and watch them go!
  11. They need to go ASAP, still in the same bucket!
  12. I put 3 small ones in my tank, anyone need any of these bigger ones for free?
  13. Could I put these in my tank? Just got them yesterday at port a and just winding if they are reef safe
  14. If your interested In a non drilled 40 I have one with the overflow and sump, stand and all. Let me know
  15. Yeah but corals grow, things are added, just want to see everyone's updated tanks!
  16. Yeah those are all old, I'm ready for some new updated ones!!
  17. Come on, I want to see these tanks!
  18. Very nice tanks! They all look great in so many different ways! Here is my 40 breeder, plan on adding all this to the 90 when it's ready He is my 90 as of now, can't wait to add all the 40 gallon rock to it
  19. Just wanting to see everyone's tank and get some ideas for the new 90 gallon build, so lets see those tanks!
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