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Posts posted by Sherita

  1. I go to this page


    scroll down to where it says:

    Tickets are available to Premium Members in the ARC store here

    click on the "here" which is supposed to be a link to the ARC store, but instead of the store the page says:

    Sorry, you don't have permission for that!

    You are not allowed to purchase that item

  2. LOL, cute.

    My tank isn't quite that big, but it's pretty fancy.

    My heart isn't in it too much today. I'm so sick I can hardly hold my head up. Just crawled out of bed, probably going back there here pretty quick. I despise being sick.

  3. Poor little dude :(

    Leave him alone, and he should do fine. I've dealt with them stuck in powerheads before, and as long as you don't start messing with them, they seem to recover just fine.

    I've got a wanderer right now, I bet it's only a matter of time before he gets into my wavebox intake. He's been *all over* the tank. No idea what his problem is, the other one is perfectly happy, he, is not.

  4. Wow, didn't take much convincing.

    Not all communication takes place in public, my friend grin.png:grin:

    Plus, it sounds like fun! And I'm all about fun.


    Ok, you're gonna be a fun one to mess with, LOL. I like someone with a sense of humor.

    Perhaps flirting should be done in private, too? smile.png.

    Bahahahahaha! ZING!

  5. Wow, didn't take much convincing.

    Not all communication takes place in public, my friend grin.png:grin:

    Plus, it sounds like fun! And I'm all about fun.


    Ok, you're gonna be a fun one to mess with, LOL. I like someone with a sense of humor.

  6. Hey y'all. I'm thinking about setting up a frag tank at C4, but before I commit.............do you guys think it's a good idea, or am I making a mistake? Honest opinions please, but no flaming. I don't mind doing it, but I don't want to look like an idiot either (I can manage that without any help, thankyouverymuch). Opinions?

  7. I can't say for sure, but somehow I think that might be a bad idea. First of all, I have NO idea on the toxicity, but second, I don't think you could actually seal the thing in, I'm betting that there is a "back door" to the lair.

  8. You will eventually finds zillions of these in your tank, they are pretty much nocturnal. The are great for algae and other unwanted stuff. And other than crawling on corals, they cause no harm at all. The crawling doesn't harm the corals, but my zoas sure get mad at them, LOL. I've found them to be much better at cleaning than the stuff we pay good money for.

    • Like 1
  9. Well, that explains it. I'm whiter than white bread, LOL. And I speak just enough spanish to get into trouble that I cannot get back out of. So, this cucuy is the Mexican version of the closet monster. Got it. That particular monster haunted me as a small child.

  10. Just today. Have to leave by 4 and won't be back until midnight. I tried moving the rock the clam is on, and it's definitely attached, but still moving around so I'm worried I will accidentally tear the foot off.

    If it's only that long, leave your tank lights on, just turn the whites down a little. Worm won't come out while it's light, and since it's not that long, I would just leave the tank lights on with the whites turned down a little (but not dark!). Ugly won't come out into the light, which will leave clammie safe until you get home and can either move him and his rock to the sump, or evict the worm.

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  11. How long will you be gone for this wedding? Just today, all weekend?

    Do you have a sump, and is it big enough to hold clammie and his rock? If so, that's what I would do. Otherwise, I would find someone to hold your newfound friend until you can capture big ugly flatworm. You might wind up with a pretty shell to sit on the counter and hold your guest soaps if you underestimate the worm.

    I'm sure that eventually your unwanted guest would make his (her?) way into your sump to eat the delectable clam, but it might buy you enough time to evict the squatter. Honestly, if it were my clam, and I really liked it, I would find someone to hold him until you catch ugly.

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