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Posts posted by BBMarlin

  1. +1 for Hanna. I've used ELOS and API before I switched to Hanna. ELOS is right inline with what I get from Hanna, API is always higher.

    My recommendation is to go with Hanna. Alk is the one thing that you want to be as exacting with as possible and the Hanna checker provides you this capability.

  2. I for one am going to be very paranoid and put every new item of livestock in QT before going in my display.

    Let me tell you guys that dipping your coral is not enough. I have dipped (Coral RX) every frag that I have put in my display and still ended up with AEFW. The truly only way to protect yourself is to QT your corals. I literally have thousands of dollars of SPS corals and now have a big problem on my hands. If I would have spent the few hundred to build a small QT, I would not be in this situation. Keep in mind that I'm fairly certain that I got these little critters from this community, so be careful.

  3. (2) Frags of Montipora Digitata - Pink.

    (1) Green Slimer or Green Stag (browned out).

    $15.00 / frag. If someone wants one of each $25.00 frag pack.

    Slimer will come back under better light as my frag rack isn’t in the best spot.

    Both of these can be considered beginner/easy SPS corals and will grow in a variety of lighting conditions. I’ve got my Digitata basically on the sand bed under 250W MH and it grows rapidly. Slimer is one of the fastest growing SPS corals, very hardy and very vibrant green when happy.


  4. I've got a few frags of Seriatopora up for sale. These are all very easy to keep SPS corals, they grow rapidly in my tank and can be maintained in a variety of lighting conditions.

    2 frags of Bird of Paradise

    1 frag of Screaming Green Birds Nest

    1 frag of Hyacinth Birds Nest (bottom right)

    All frags are $15.00 $10.00 and have been on the rack for 4 weeks.

    **I'll do one of each for $15.00 if someone would like a mini frag pack.


  5. Would be interesting to keep the current culture going, but I've got another bottle waiting for me in the fridge (I've had for 4 weeks). The plan is to start fresh again for this next culture, perhaps for the one following I will harvest a few pods and see what happens.

  6. Pop Update:

    I figured I would post once more for those of you still following along. I'm going to be feeding my culture to my tank tomorrow after 4 weeks. I know I ended up with at least 2X the pods I started with, perhaps 3X. I'm going to restart another culture tomorrow and I think I will let it run for a bit longer just to see if the population continues to multiply.

    Some points:

    I never had to change/add water to the culture and I did feed conservatively. I spent 1/3 of a small bottle of DT's on my .5 gallon 1 bottle culture of Tigger Pods. And, I fed every few days just enough to tint the water which was a couple of squirts as I mentioned in a previous post (probably more like .5 of a tablespoon). I decided to feed similarly to how I feed my fish: often and in small amount.

    Obviously the economics are there given the simple setup and minimum amount of phytoplankton required for success.

    Good luck for those who try it! I know my reef is going to be happy :D .

  7. I run carbon and gfo in (2) two little fishies reactors and I dose calcium and alk via a dosing pump hourly. I don't have any experience with a calcium reactor but more times than not when I read about people using them online they have a hard time getting them dialed in correctly and end up dosing two part as it's easier to control.

    If I were to dose organic carbon I would probably try biopellets first and BRS has just come out with their own biopellet reactor which is inexpensive and looks pretty cool. Keep in mind that if you are going to do organic carbon dosing you will not need to run gfo in the long run thus a single reactor for carbon.

  8. Pod update:

    Babies! I started seeing babies a few days ago; they are really tiny - about the size of a grain of sand. You can get an idea from the picture how small they are, really tough to get a good photo. I've had some die off of the adult pods, hard to say how many but the babies are more than making up for the loss of the adults. Going to give it another week and then I'm dumping it all in the tank :). Assuming I do not have a crash by this time next week, I'll call this little experiment a success.


  9. Pod update:

    My culture is still doing really well. I think I definitely have more pods now than I started with and I don't think I have lost any. I am having to feed more often now, like every other day just to keep the water slightly tented green. I have gone through not even 25% of a small bottle of DT's, and my feedings consist of a couple of skirts of the stuff. Probably equates to about a tablespoon. I want to have an explosion of pods to make this experiment worthwhile (this has not happened), going to give it another week.

    Hydro how are you doing?

  10. I would only add that by starving your peppermints they might turn to your coral. This happened to me and I was forced to remove the peppermints. I feed 3X a day in small amounts and I am able to keep P04 and N03 very close to 0. I feed pellets (ELOS) 2X using an automated feeder (EHIEM) and Rods in the evenings.

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