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Posts posted by brian.srock

  1. Looking to get a couple things from BRS. I may be at free shipping with just my stuff so just wanted to give people the option to get in on the free shipping.

    Order will be placed this Friday Feb. 5th

    Pick up will be at my work off Mopac and Duval either Monday or Tuesday depending on delivery.

  2. Assuming it's as busy as the MAAST swap, you can expect to come home with a lot less corals.

    Although I will say, they have so many vendors now, it's going to be harder to stand out.

    That's the goal, to come back with no corals!

    I'll have to hire a monkey to play the accordion or something to draw in the crowds.

    I'm going to assume you'll provide me an accordion when I tag along.

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  3. Wanted to set up something for us to document growth this year for those that have Tank related resolutions or just want to track growth.

    Just send in a weekly/biweekly/monthly Full Tank Shot or coral specific shot.

    Let me know what schedule you'd like to submit photos so we can send you a friendly reminder to update your post with the newest one.

    When updating pictures just edit your original post to add the newest picture under your original.

    You can submit either DSLR or camera pictures so everyone can join in.

    I will create animated gifs of the pictures and they will be posted below so try to take the same shot every time.

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