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Posts posted by brian.srock

  1. My tank is doing very good now. I am no longer chasing alk/ca numbers with my calcium reactor.

    I did a very through cleaning every week during February of my sump and display sand.

    I dosed some lanthanum chloride and it's really helped beat the algae back. I am going back to vodka dosing as I found this worked the best.

    Last nights project involved removing my floating canopy.

    I've decided that with a rimless tank it just closed it off too much for my taste.

    I now have 3 BML strips so I will just have them hanging off 2 pipes that I'm painting black and will be secured to my concrete stand top.

    I need to contact BML and see how much it'll cost to replace the acrylic strip since it cracked in half from being so brittle.

    I hope to have the pipes in and lights hung tonight so stay tuned.



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  2. My ah-ha moment was realizing the red sea instructions for SPS were way off.

    I kept chasing the numbers trying to get to 12.6 Alk, 465 CA, and 1390 Mg for "SPS Corals, Frags' Clams Accelerated growth". This caused so much trouble and hassle.

    I ended up asking Ty what he keeps his at as well as checking out Tank of the Month info on reefcentral and now I am running 8 Alk, 430 CA, and 1400 Mg.

    My calcium reactor has helped so much and I will never recommend someone use kalk with all the problems I've had.

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  3. Well what sucks is you can't own under the leasing term and you have to deal with someone called a "Land Lord" who gave himself this ridiculous title and the only reason the place is being fumigated is because the city sent a final notice letter that legal action would be taken. If it was the Lord's choice this tank would never be fallow. Definitely a fixer up in Crestview that 2 guys with short shorts can flip.

  4. It's always fun to buy new toys for the tank. Hope you get everything under control. Let me know how you like the phosguard. I find it has very little dust so no cleaning is needed.

    You'll have to keep us updated on Coral Snow. Never heard of it. What made you get it?

  5. And that is why phosphates are your #1 reason people get out of the hobby.

    I've pondered the rage quit upgrade at times. I tell my wife it's her fault because I have a small tank but she wants all the fish and if I had a bigger tank I wouldn't have this problem. She's agreed though but I have to get her a bigger house first. If only there was a reputable realtor I could trust available.

    Do you feed pellets?

  6. I have the Skimz 122 since it can be used external and my sump space was really tight and would make maintenance on any skimmer difficult.

    This skimmer has been very easy to take apart and clean everything and produces lots of skimmate. I use a maxijet 1200 to feed it and a spa flex tubing for the return so it's very flexible and can be moved around easy. Having it in the cabinet helps reduce the hum that you'll get from any skimmer.

    My tank is in my living room where I watch movies so my tanks needs to be quite.



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