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Posts posted by ludakris

  1. Omg 5 eye JF crazy Fox on reef2reef.com 1150 shipped. Wish I had 4 people to go in and Frag this beaute

  2. thanks..ill post some arrival pics on thursday,,,hopefully they arrive in this 105 degree weather alive..never ordered corals offline just hermits and that didnt go well

  3. just ordered some nice chalices from a couple of people...ohh man i cant wait..spent about 550 already..really nice ones..few coming from luckylou..heres a teaser...what do you all think of these




  4. i was lookin around the net..this hot pink yuma seems pretty hard to find..i was thinking of trying to trade it for sps frag..im really not a softie person..it there was someone that would trade for a nice chalice frag i would probally trade it

  5. i got the only pink one that i seen there..hopefully in the future this one will split and i can spread it out to the ARC community for a small fee so everyone can have a peice of this awesome coral

  6. found these gems today..love em..got great deals too..check em out..tell me what yall thing..also i was wondering if this chalice has a name out there besides its scientific name of course..i know there r many...sorry for the bad cell phone pics..




  7. the only fish i have as of now is 2 clowns...my inverts consist of about 48 blue leg hermits which i will b giving my friend half of them...the only other things i have r a miami hurricane chalice...gsp...hollywood stunner chalice...pink milli..and ora red planent..i do have alot of very tiny starfish that were on the rock when i got em...that is all of my live stock..the tank has been up for about 2 months now

  8. I was woundering if someone could tell me if these were clownfish eggs or just sum kind of orange coraline. They appear as tiny little balls then some dissappear in a few days. Just curious. The male clown isn't swimming close to them like they r eggs or nothing.


  9. I have this rock with gsp or sum kind of green polyps and it is just growing too fast for what I want. If anyone has sum sps or lps frags they wanna trade. Will also take 15 dollars for it. I live in bruceville so I'm pretty far away but I will b in Austin on the 23 for the RCA sale.



  10. i sent them all the info they asked for..ill find out monday cause they r only open from monday to thursday..now another long wait for sum crabs huh

  11. i was excited to receive my new shipment of blue leg hermits....and the box reaked and was hot..i opened it to find out they were alllll deal...:(((



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