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Everything posted by Lamont

  1. How much do you want for your Korolia 2?
  2. Welcome to ARC. There is a meeting this weekend if you would like to get familiar with a couple of folks.
  3. Hey Laura I may want an emerald crab. I have some bubble algae that I need to get rid of. May tomorrow okay?
  4. What about a sunrise dottyback. i check the chart on live aquaria and it said with caution.
  5. I would like him but i have a lunar wrasse also. If he get along with the other wrasse then i will take him. LMK
  6. do you have a pic of the blasto colony? Never mind i see it!
  7. I read a article this morning about price fixing. A lot of corals that they claim are rare really are not. Rare or not
  8. Ive been looking at other photos and they dont look the same. i think i will stay away!
  9. I will call tomorrow. Thanks Brooks ans Cindy!
  10. I know Watermelon Chalice is highly sought after in this hobby, but i ran across a web page that made stop and ask myself "Is this a scam?" When you buy a chalice such as this should it have some type of lineage? LMK To good to be true or what?
  11. The kenya trees may just need more water flow. i had a problem trying to get mine to open all the way. i moved it up and down in the tank and had the same results. then i decided to put it in a strong current and it opened like never before. I did the same with my Palau and it has sprouted well.
  12. May be Cyano! its starts off as just bubbles then you will notice the red film build up. its just means you need more water movement in that spot.
  13. i have a tomato and a false percula together in my 40g and haven't had a problem.
  14. I have some xenia you can have for free or a frag of something else. Lamont 909-4644
  15. Hey Leroy. I forgot to call that weekend. I will be out and about between 5 and 8 today! is is still cool to swing by a pick up a frag! Lamont 909-4644
  16. What brand is it, and what size tank did you have it on? I may be able to find a fix and take it off your hands.
  17. I picked up some turbos and cerith snails and cut back on feeding. now my Green hair algae is under control and almost gone. But it also may depend on the size of your tank.
  18. Does any one have a picture of what they went through so i can try to prevent it. if this ever happens i will frag what i have left and QT it.
  19. This is one of the reason i stay broke! but that first coupon is just calling me!(Lamont, cut me out and use me until you use me up!)
  20. I kind of went through the same thing. i bought a small frag of Hollywood Stunner Chalice an the tentacles were about 4-5 inches long. The frag was only 1 and a half inches. that amazed me!
  21. Hey Derek, did you ever move the baby clowns to a new tank? If so, how are they doing?
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