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Posts posted by Derek

  1. I love the green ones. I had a green LTA but he went through my power head a month ago. The green bubbles are nice. Great pictures!

    I have a similar issue with my green bubble tip anenomes, I have around 14 now (hard to count as they don't have name tags...). Some have bubble tips, others do not, some are green and others are pale white (which I believe is that they are not getting enough food so I have started target feeding the pale ones and they seem to be starting to get their green color back).




  2. You could try putting a rock you don't like next to them. They might attach then you can take it out. That is what I normally do.

    Ugh - those little ********! Is anyone here an expert anemone catcher?

    I started with one last year... I just counted 15 in the tank...

    My attempts to catch them haven't been successful yet :)

  3. Yeah it is weird. Even one that is from the same "mother" does not have bubbles while the other half does. It's odd.

    It's interesting that even with the multitude in your tank, that some bubble and some do not. Very interesting!

  4. I'll post some pictures when I take more. I have plenty on my iPad.

    Man cant wait to have a take that looks that nice, still in build stage of mine, how old is your tank can you post another pic or two if the tank is bigger thanks snoopy

    Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk

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  5. This goes out to all the Vlamingi daddies and mommies out there. How much do you feed your Vlamingi and what do you feed?

    I feed my tank 4 nori squares a night and a block of spirulina mysid. I also put in a "block" of cyclopeeze. I saw "block" because they are more triangle shaped than square.

    I read that Vlamingis change from herbavores to being fully carnivorous when they are adults. Has anyone experienced that?

  6. I have a few montipora colonies in my tank. One of my colonies isn't doing great. Nothing is picking on it. It's is just dying. That water parameters are good. The salinity is a bit high but the other colonies are fine. Salinity is 1.026 right now but was 1.029 a few weeks ago. I've been bringing it down slowly. Anyone know if montipora are super sensitive to swings in salinity?

  7. I just want to fill things up. I want to get dry rock to do it. I just don't know if I have to cure it first.

    Ty: All the live stock is good. I just want to add some more rock to help with biological filtration and add hiding places. I may just get a few rocks at a time since they can be expensive.

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