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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. I had to catch almost all of them to get the one. Just keep putting them in the sump until you get the one you want.
  2. Do those shermans have blue centers or green?
  3. I have an old twin t5 light that might help. It's was on my 29g the bulbs are old but you have basic corals so they should be ok to tide you over. I only upgraded to a 250mh because I wanted overkill growth. Might want to factor in that I'm in killeen into your plan but it's here if you need it.
  4. Wartskin anglerfish has my vote I love them
  5. I have 2 on order from Bluezooaquatics! Thanks everyone!
  6. That is with out a doubt pseudocorynactis. I am currently propogating them in my tank. If you don't want them I can trade you rock for rock.
  7. cyrus


    Thats a wierd looking torch? Normally they Y out but those are standing tall right next to each other and the tips come to a point? Is it a hybrid or something?
  8. Yeah I guess maybe LOL Sorry work and play don't always mix well lol. Correction, I'll go with 14th 14:29
  9. Christmas lights have been used for moon light. Not the .99$ ones but the actual led ones that have come out in the last few years. For coral growth they are not reccomended as the do not have enough power to pennetrate the water table.
  10. When I had one in my 29g my skimmer was going nuts. It was small but it would fill every few days because of the smile and mess the lil bugger leaves in its path. The day after he got donated to the monthly meeting my skimmer was back to normal. So if your skimmer slows back down, it's a good indicator that he is no more.
  11. I would stay clear of the blue mussels they are cold water, kinda like people who put periwinkles in there tropical tank it dramtically shortens there life if they last at all. I have seen the green mussels up for sale online. I'm originally from Maine and I can tell you the blue ones grow like weeds so if you find the green ones I'd keep them in the sump. I have seen on ebay oyster clusters wich are supposed to be in the sump: http://cgi.ebay.com/3-oyster-clusters-aquarium-fish-tank-filter-reef-safe_W0QQitemZ200454441606QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2eac040a86 I however am not advertising for them this is purely an example
  12. cyrus


    I have some 1" and some larger 2-3" fish that I dip netted in Corpus Christi. They have been fully quaratined so they are good to go for live predator food. These are ugly and just for food. I lost my anglar shortly after returning from my trip so they are no good to me. And before I'm asked no I don't have pictures, one is a killfish and I don't know what the other is. As for reef safe well, they shouldn't be in your tank long enough for it to matter lol They eat pellet food like its going out of style. Sorry no more grass shrimp.
  13. Smile god loves you

  14. I was trying to go with the peninsula but I got a killer deal on a dual so I went with that. Still happy!
  15. cyrus

    Maroon Clown

    nah man I had a no show. You want to pick him up tex?
  16. Looking for female mandrins one or two
  17. Moving up melissa! Very cool
  18. cyrus

    Maroon Clown

    3"+ maroon clown needs a new home he's living in my sump at the moment. 30$ or trade for another fish?
  19. wow those rbta's look great!
  20. Can you tack a price list one these?
  21. Wouldn't it make more noise if I brought it over the water level?
  22. It's PVC you just gave me an idea. Maybe if I drill a small hole in the return pipe just before it hits the water? Like the returns up top?
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