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Everything posted by o0zarkawater

  1. Most likely amphipods. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/amphipodfaqs.htm Means your tank is healthy!
  2. If you run out of asterinas and people still want them, just let me know. I'm not as nice and I do just pull them out to dry, because I know for a fact they are eating my zoas. So they must DIE.
  3. I have the larger version of this and just recently hooked it up. I love it! This is great for anyone who doesn't have space for a sump/fuge. It only takes up 4-5" behind the tank. You will need to buy a pump, but you want a lower flow pump like a MJ 400-600, so its not a very expensive investment. And as far as lighting goes, since its for a fuge, a cheap normal Fluro fixture would be perfect for growing algae. Here is a pic of mine before I put it on the tank.
  4. Will it fit? Might as well do it now before you actually fill that 75 with fishes. Pull the overflow off and stick it on this one. DONE!
  5. Is this person getting rid of the corals because they can't get the dinos under control in their own tank? I would be weary of putting someones problems into my tank. Just my .02
  6. Seriously. Do we need to teach you how to ctrl + t, and you can have TWO browser tabs open AT THE SAME TIME!?!? Or you actually can even have TWO whole browsers open at the same time, not in the same window if its easier for you.
  7. There are no women anywhere who want to meet you.
  8. Thanks Jeremy! Definitely a mini colony, not a frag at all. He|l, more of a mid sized colony. Great talking to you as well. Ill post pics when I finally figure out a place to mount this beast. Thanks again!
  9. Any particular reason you want a TLF instead of just getting one from the BRS group buy?
  10. Which one of you bought the fat Target Mandarin from RCA out from under me?!

  11. If the other one hasn't been claimed, I'll take it.
  12. Orange Rhodactis, Mushroom rock, and a small bunch of Xenia gone. Should be home all day today if anyone else is interested. I do plan on heading to RCA at some point to get some RO, so if that would be a better meeting place, let me know. Thanks!
  13. Trying to clean out some space in 2 of my tanks. I plan on doing quite a bit of new aquascaping tomorrow. Large Kenya Tree - Does not come with the rock, I will cut it fresh off, so you can place it wherever you want in your tank. SOLD Green Star Polyp rock - I'm not sure how big the rock is exactly, probably around 3" x 4". SOLD ^^^ Blue/Purple Mushrooms - Whole rock goes about 8 mushrooms or so. As above, when this rock is pulled you will be getting lots of amphipods that live in the rock/sand. BONUS! - SOLD! Thanks Rick. Orange Rhodactis Mushroom - This guy opens up to around 3" or so. SOLD! Xenia - Pulses in lower flow. SOLD for a nice sized bunch - fresh cut. Blue Palys - These guys are taking over my montipora - 10 heads for SOLD - Will be fresh cut and you can mount them however you like. Clove Polyps - Wouldn't mind thinning down this rock some. These will be fresh cut off as well. 20 stalks for SOLD Located in Cedar Park right at 1431 / Parmer. Thanks -Chris
  14. AAF had some a month or so back. They got them in as a random frag with their order, they were really cool looking. Might want to ask if theirs are still doing well. From what I've read/seen, gorgonians in general seem to be hard for most people to keep alive.
  15. This picture doesn't do this coral justice (way too blue). This coral is an awesome purple with bright green polyps. What are you looking to get for it Stephen?
  16. Bump for a great price. These aren't what I was looking for. Good luck.
  17. Well fine, you guys are throwing out all your cool mushrooms. I've also got an orange rhodactis I could let go.
  18. I've got some red ones that I am looking to thin out to make room for more Zoas. I also have some Green Star Polyps to move out. Let me know if you are interested. Mushrooms are there in the center, and depending on how many you want, I might let that whole rock cluster of them go. The GSP I'm looking to thing out is the piece in the back left corner. It is about a 6" x 5" flat rock.
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