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Everything posted by teg

  1. I used a Canon PowerShot SD630, it's one of those pocket camera. It only takes nice macro picture when you put the camera 1-6" away from the lens. Picture was taken in manual mode, to adjust the white balancing.
  2. If I understand it right, I think the one you're seeing is cerith eggs. This link shows an example: http://www.reefcorner.com/SpecimenSheets/cerithSnail.htm
  3. For those that are interested to know and future references, these are Nassarius snail egg capsules.
  4. my sailfin tang ate them all this morning right after I took some picture.
  5. I just notice these weird egg sack on the glass this morning, at least I assumed it is an egg sack. There maybe 10 of them, but my sailfin tang seem to love them. Right after I took pictures of this one, he cleaned all of these off the glass. The sack was attached to the glass and inside seems to be little eggs. I have no clue what it is, if it's even eggs.
  6. I had the white urchin before, it really love coralline, seems like he prefers that algae over other stuff. The "carrying things on its back" was fun to see at first, but gets annoying fast. It became a time consuming task of removing the frag from its back and place it back to original spot.
  7. teg


    try fishy business, I thought I saw it on his shelves.
  8. teg

    please help id

    I have these in my tanks too, I dont know what they are though. I try to remove mine, since they seems to multiple fast, so I assumed it's bad. They have a texture almost like cotton ear swab.
  9. teg

    Flame Angel for trade

    he is SPS safe; he only bothers my acans, nothing else.
  10. teg

    Flame Angel for trade

    I got a flame angel about 2-3" that I want to trade for some corals, maybe some other kind of fish. The flame angel was bothering my acans.
  11. Thanks so much for the help and great inputs. I really appreciated the help.
  12. After reading more about probe start vs pulse start. I think this SPS (south pacific sunlight) bulb is a probe start (it as total of 3 lines connected to the arc tube). Icecap website claimed the electronic ballast "Will drive any 400W Single Ended (mogul) or Double Ended (HQI) Metal Halide Lamp." I think I do have it wired up correctly, the ballast came with plugs and no bare wires. Also, since no one offered to test these bulbs for me, so I took the risk and tested the ballast on my 250w bulbs. I got the "kill a watt" meter to measure the wattage for this test, so that I dont let the ballast draws higher than 300watts, which might damage the 250w bulb. The ballast did drive the 250w bulb nicely; wattage reading rapidly went to 250w within 2 seconds, then slowly rise to 300w (I unplug the ballast at 280w). Now I'm 80% certain that the bulb was bad.
  13. I'm not sure if these SPS bulbs are probe start or pulse start (didn't say on the box), but I though Electronic ballast can run any bulb.
  14. I have 2 400w DE sps lamps I recently got from someone; 1 lamp is supposedly be new and one is old . I bought a new 400w icecap ballast to run it. Got the ballast this on monday and put in the old lamp and it didn't turn on. I replace the old lamp with the new lamp, it ran good until today (I had it on 6hr/day). The new lamp wont turn on now, I tested the pendant (working fine). Now I have two lamps that wont turn on, so I don't know whether the ballast is bad or the lamp is bad. I'm wondering if someone will offer to test these 400w lamps for me, then I'll know if the lamps are bad or the ballast is bad. Thanks ahead for the help.
  15. Mark I probably can't make it tonight, what time is good for you tomorrow?
  16. will you be available around 9-10pm today for pickup?
  17. teg


    What's the wattage and amperage that are running through those electrical outlets? these cheap timers can't handle very much.
  18. teg


    http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=148373-207-TM09DHBL&lpage=none This was the one that I use. It seem to turned on/off on time each day, I only used for about 1.5 months so I don't know how long it last. Make sure whatever you're plugging these timers in have constant power, because it needs power to run the clock on it.
  19. teg


    what kind of problems do you have with those cheap timers at lowes or homedepot? I've used those cheap mechanical timers from lowes to run 2x250w metal halide and 2x94w PC before and they worked perfectly.
  20. Is the mag 18 pump still available? If so, how much are you selling it for?
  21. Pm sent, Does it comes with glass shield
  22. Cool, Can you put me down for those 3 items. Let me know the total; Do you prefer cash or paypal? I'm new to paypal, I remember someone said there's some charges or something.
  23. I'm looking for: - 1 2 Pounds – Half Gallon Bulk GFO Pellets Ferric Oxide $39.99 - 1 3 Pounds - 1 Gallon Bulk Lignite Aquarium Carbon $16.20 - 1 7 Pounds - 1 Gallon Bulk Calcium Chloride for Aquariums $16.99 Can you tell me how much you can get it for? Thanks
  24. how much are you selling the skimmer for? does it comes with pump?
  25. I think it'll be cheaper in the long run to get an RO filter and mix your own saltwater. Each 5gal bucket of red sea salt last me few months at the minimum. All you need is refractometer to measure the salinity when you mix the salt water, it's pretty easy.
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