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Posts posted by Meteorflower

  1. Hello everyone,

    My halimeda has gone nuts lately, so I need to give some away. I have some "fragments" that I tore off the rock, as well as some complete, free-living plants with holdfasts (think roots) that were established in my sandbed and should transplant nicely. PM for address, I live in Central Austin near Lamar and 51st. No holds, first come first served, I just want to clear it out. I'll be available tomorrow from late afternoon into the evening. I seem to have two types, one with large "leaves" and one with small, fine "leaves"...


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  2. Great, I'm in as well. Those mixed hermits are doing a fantastic job on my nuisance algae, I was just wishing I'd gotten more! Sorry for the grab and dash last week - this time I should be able to stay and admire your aquarium a bit!

  3. Hi all,

    So I've had a problem keeping snails alive in my reef tank... despite having tons of algae, it seems like one by one my snails all inevitably die off. Right now I'm down to just two hardy turbos.

    Last week I was in Aquatek and saw some great looking Nassarius snails (big and active), so I brought home four. Today when I went to feed the tank I saw that one of them was lying upside down and very still, and he was crawling with these little unknown gastropods. I removed them with a turkey baster and put them in a bowl for identification. I noticed when I did this that the Nassarius started moving a bit, so he wasn't dead yet. My question is, what are these little things, and could they be killing my snails? They are very small, with tan and white striped shells and a small proboscis similar to the Nassarius. Total shell length is less than a centimeter (the last pic has grains of sand in it for comparison).

    Sure hope someone know what these are... because I have no clue!





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