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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. yeah, thats all i "needed" almost didnt get anything and saw the scrapper everyone is talking about and i really need one. what? my purchase is not sufficient enough for you?!? do i need to call laura in here? LLLLLAAAAAUUUURRRAA!!!
  2. ok, i was wondering if Easy Blade Algae Scrapers - Black(12.99) fits all size mag floats? it says it fits mag float 350 but im not quite sure if thats a specific size or what? if it fits a medium float then ill get it.
  3. thats freaking awesome!!!! i love it!
  4. thats what i have heard!! i think i will see it in 3d! thanks for the confirmation!
  5. if its going down then this is what im getting: 1 blue porcelain crab ($14.95) 1 pom pom crab ($19.99) 1 purple-up 16oz by caribsea ($11.96 on sale)
  6. oh yeah, tiger tail cuke!! awesome!!!! im thinking about getting some stuff too. they have some pretty sweet stuff
  7. possibly!! let me check out their stuff real quick and let you know
  8. my cuke has still not moved but im pretty sure its alive. nothing is eating it(?) so thats a good sign!! porcelain crab came in with a claw missing in the bag, but looks great otherwise!!! my "1 polyp" joker play came with a whopping 6(!!!!) heads! :lol: thanks mark!!!!
  9. well if it really gets here at 1030 am, i can pick it up before work
  10. i work at the lowe's right down the street from RCA if youre going to be there in the evening? (at RCA)
  11. i work at the lowe's right down the street from RCA if youre going to be there in the evening?
  12. where are we picking everything up? i work from 2-11 thursday but can come on my lunch break if possible. is there any way you can call me whenever it arrives so i know when to come get it since i wont have access to this site at work :/ sorry for the inconvenience cell #: 512 968 0447 Corey Frye
  13. did i pay you the right amount? it added a fee to it, but im not very familiar with paypal, so lmk thanks!!
  14. he only posted once and it was 3 years ago fraggin22
  15. diabeetus


    mitch is doing a group buy with reefcleaners s you might get free shipping with it. they even have a macro that you get for $.01 with your order
  16. i have a 75g tank set up. the whole deal. canister filter, light, stand. everything. its actually my dad's but here is the link if you are interested75g FW setup. the price has also come down a bit, just not sure to what price. PM me if youre interested because he doesnt get on here very often so going thru me is the quickest way thanks Corey & Patrick Frye
  17. yup, macs beast! never have any problems with it!!!! my pc, on the other hand is a wreck, even with all the latest versions, updates, and protection..
  18. ok, 1 one polyp frag of jokers palys 19.99 1 tiger tail cucumber 16.99 1 porcelain crab 8.99
  19. diabeetus


    Laura's (Mama) peppermint shrimp eat aptasia like crazy! apparently there are a few different kinds of pep shrimp and she has the kind that will eat those little aptasia nems
  20. ok cool. sounds good. thanks for the heads up doktor
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