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Posts posted by Entropy

  1. The ice will work, but it is super short term. Basically a bag of ice is just good for cooling down the tank short term, but over the course of a day it will not help. I would definately go with the fan idea. You can even hook the fan and the lights to the same timer (or on the same schedule) so that the fan is only on when the lights are on.

    Long term I would go with a controller (I have a ReefKeeper 2), so you can program a fan to come on when needed, and even program the lights to go off if the temp goes up to high.

    And don't worry about being new. We all where new at one time, and none of knows it all. :) I know just enough to be dangerous.

  2. I will take these if you can wait until Friday for payment Paypal (or take Paypal with a CC, or a CC direct). The 17th would work, or you can ship it.

    $8.00 - purigen The Bag

    $21.00 - Mag float 350

    $7.00 - Kent glass scraper (1)

    $7.00 - seachem reef complete 250ml

    You are just dumping extra stuff? I hope you are not pulling the plug. :)

  3. Do you have a closed canopy? If not, the box fan might still be a good option for you. It will increase your evaporation, but will definately keep the temp down. Even one of those little 7-9" three speed clip on fans will help tremendously. You won't get it below the room temp obviously, but you should be able to get it close.

  4. I am not familiar with your setup, but the best place to add cooling is the sump (do you have one?). You can take a two liter bottle, fill it with water and freeze it over night and then add it to your sump. Your heater will makes sure the tank does not get too cold, and it will melt slowly during the day. You can add more bottles if need (and if you have room). You also might want to look into getting a big 20 inch box fan and just let it blast the tank all day while you are away. It will be ugly, but effective. :) Box fans can be had from Wallyworld for under $10 usually.

  5. Don't be afraid to use zip ties, PVC, and acrylic rods to hold your rock together. You can make any shape you want with the right stuff. Just get a masonary bit and drill the rock. It will look funky to start (zip ties and pvc) but six months down the road when coraline and corals have covered everything you will never know they are there. My rock is a simple cave with two pillars at the front and is all supported by a PVC frame. The frame is visible from the sides, but I think it will look fine once stuff start growing on it and I know it is stable. :)

  6. It wasn't a speed issue as much as the page reloading over and over. It would list the count of items needed to be loaded and then restart over and over. Plus as I was typing it would jump back and forth and display weird lines only to be replace by what I typed after a few seconds. It is working fine now though. :)

  7. There is no such thing as a dual ballast (that I have seen anyway). All ballasts are single, but you can put more than one in an enclosure. You will be fine using a dual ballast for a single setup as long as it has two switches (which it should). If not you might have to rewire it to remove one ballast from the switch. Either way you will have a spare ballast if needed. :) Of course trading for a single will work as well. :)

  8. I had RTBA's for a long time and they would park right under the halides (175w) less than 10 inches down. I had great success keeping them and had many splits. The only bad thing about anemone's is that sooner or later no matter what you do they start to move around the tank, or they split and the daughter colony moves. For some reason they usually pick the most expensive coral in your tank to park on.

    Good luck with the recovery, I hope your BTA makes a come back.

  9. I ended up not getting one. The one I have now is still alive, not sloughing off anything, just kind of keeping a little closed up and has pulled all of it's tentacles in. Until that nitrate spike it was fine, just hasn't seemed to recover. I'm afraid it's going to die, and I won't realize it, and then my tank will have trouble again.This is an excellent article! Only after I'd had the BTA for about a month did I realize it was bleached and unhealthy to begin with. And I thought it was so pretty and white. :( And there's some question about my lights, too. I have dual 65 watt PCs. Some say that's OK at long as the anemone can get up high, others say it's not enough no matter where the anemone is. So I need to put some thought and research into it before I try again.

    I wouldn't try to keep one without at least one metal halide. They are light lovers IME.

  10. You don't want anything in a bag any longer than you have to. Your clown will be fine a couple days (or forever) without an anemone, so wait until you have a whole day to devote to getting another anemone so you have plenty of time to acclimate, and are not in a rush. Heaven forbid you wreck your car while rushing to get home or something. :(

    Anemones do best (in the ocean :D ) in mature tanks, so if you already have one that is not doing well I would hold off and find out why before possibly losing #2 to the same reason.

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