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Everything posted by doktorstick

  1. Figures. Beautiful stuff but I'm out of town
  2. Outcome unclear. I went camping this past weekend and when we got back, she was stuck against the overflow. The rear portion of her body had this grayish fading of the scales, like they were damaged. She obviously was not going to be able to survive in my main tank. I have a small tank that I put my water change water into to keep it around (and for some live rock I have in there). The temperature was fine and the salinity was dead on, so I took Toby out of the DT and put her in this smaller tank. I bought an airstone for some aeration. Unfortunately, any water movement, even me wiggling my hand in there, will cause her to tumble about the tank. Yesterday I did a 40% water change in the small tank and will do so again in a few days since there's no filtration (but not livestock other than her and a snail). She doesn't move her tail fin. She does wiggle her pectoral finds. She stays at the water line with her mouth working. I have been feeding her Garlic Xtreme soaked Coral Frenzy (because it is very fine suspended particles) and other garlic-soaked foods (thanks Mama for the Garlic Xtreme lend). She'll move around the tank (again, only with her pectoral fins). I've seen her change her depth on occasion, too--it's more rare. I've also observed waste hanging from her, which tells me she is eating what I've been putting in there. I have no idea what the future holds for my little girl.
  3. If you have an open top, would your tank receive enough oxygen even with the pumps turned off for a long period of time? (I saw reference to oxygen deprivation and breaker tripping in another thread.)
  4. Can you suggest one or point me to one so I can see. Usually I'm trying to aerate around 5-6g. I use my MJ-1200 for a 30g trashcan.
  5. I have a tank I need to aerate where I don't want a ton of (hardly any) circulation. All I have are MJ-1200 lying around. Suggestions?
  6. I don't know much about airstones to be honest--hence "system". I was pretty it was multiple parts, but didn't know if the pump was submersible or not. But yes, I think I need both since I have no other pumps other than MJ 1200 ones.
  7. Mainly for aeration of temp. tank.
  8. I ordered one from Amazon Prime. Thanks.
  9. Contact user Mama (Laura) of Rockin' Reefs. Highly recommended and great prices.
  10. Mark: I'm heading out in about 5 minutes. I'll be picking up mine, Carrie's, and Mama's orders.
  11. Well, the good news is after not seeing her all day yesterday or early this morning, I found her back in her second hiding place. She is poking her head out a little bit, but not coming out. She /seems/ a little more perky. I finished the 5% water change for today. Let's hope she's on the uptick! Thanks!
  12. Derek: I ran out of time today. Where does it all go? Dave: I was home a lot of the day and I made many trips searching for her and have not been able to find her. She's real little and there are lots of hiding places. Each visit I performed the sniff test and don't smell death. I performed a small 5% water change today and plan on doing it tomorrow too. (Advice from wetwebmedia.)
  13. Thanks! I'm in Round Rock and now, officially on vacation until a few days into 2010. Woo-hoo!
  14. I want to try out a Hydor Flo on my return and am looking for one really cheap.
  15. I added corals (zoos, bubble corals) and various CuC members. Nothing I would expect would pick on the little girl. I do not have garlic anything. I guess I'll be making a trip to the LFS on the morrow to give that a try.
  16. Howdy. My orchid dottyback is listless, and has been so for about a day. It has remained hidden in a rock although when I tried placing food nearby, it fled and has been hanging out under and outcropping. She swims sideways and upside down sometimes, and always slowly like she's mostly floating along the currents and steering a bit. She has always been active and a voracious eater, but didn't touch the frozen reef #2 I added this evening. It's hard to say if her colors are faded. She doesn't have bulging eyes nor white spots on her. She does look a little thin. This all happened after a water change, about 10%. There's two changing variables involved here. First, my parameters were all very good with the exception of salinity. It had dropped to around 1.022 after I acclimated about 6 bags of critters. The drop was gradual as my ATO compensated for the water loss. That's the first variable. After the water change, the salinity stabilized near 1.025 +/- a little bit. I used new salt, too--Tropic Marine Reef Pro; I had been using Instant Ocean. This is the second variable. All of my other critters (inverts) and corals are doing great--nice and active, extended, etc. I do not have a quarantine tank. I also feel that if I did, the stress of moving her might be too much. Likewise, if I did "throw together" a QT tank, it wouldn't be much use as it isn't cycled or anything. Is this a wait-and-see? Do I continue feeding as normal? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  17. Take out all the rocks and scrub them with a toothbrush (/me pokes Carrie).
  18. Ben, you could always do a 10-inch sand bed! Or maybe 6-inch with a 4-inch plenum!
  19. That is very cool. When I saw one at AquaDome I had to have one until I researched and found that most tend to starve (much like sand sifting stars) because we don't have enough gunk in our sand beds for long term survival.
  20. Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) Small: 1“-2½“ $ 16.99 NOTE: Marc - Add a comment to the order for a YWG closer to 1" in size. Red Montipora Capricornus (montipora capricornus) Size: 1"-1.5" Frag $ 12.99 Meteor Shower Cyphastrea (Cyphastrea sp.) Frag: 3/4" $ 38.99 Total: $ 68.97 less 10% + $1 = $ 62.07
  21. I will add this. I have two separate Nitrate test kits I use to test Nitrates because for over a month, I've had 0 Nitrates.
  22. The light is two months old. It's an undercabinet mount. Though, maybe the glass has an algae film that is impeding light transfer. It's hard for me to see back there. i have coralline algae sites that seem to be blooming. Otherwise, i do have little algae. I had a breakout of hair algae about 3-4 weeks ago but it is all gone now. In fact, it appears so pristine that I've started feeding my CuC with strips of nori for fear of starvation.
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