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Posts posted by Viet'spride70

  1. Green dragon (acropora carduus) $75...$60...I decided to keep it.

    Super saiyan colony +60p. $125...$100..SOLD

    Pics on both sides to justify polyp count.

    All corals r wysiwyg. No holding or spoken for without payment. Please be serious as u can if u want it.

    Any questions, call me 512-903-7773.

    Thank you.


  2. http://www.aquaripure.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53



    There's a link to a site I bought it from, I don't have a feed pump anymore, it's just a maxijet 1200, I hooked it up to return manifold. instruction, measuring tools and plumping come with it as in pic.

    it's cleaned and sitting in my closet for 6 months, since I don't have a heavy bio-load for my tank. It would be great tool for 200 or more to control nitrate,either fish only or mix reef with heavy fish load.

    Check out that link to know more about it or call me if u have questions.

    ASKING FOR $250 OBO.




  3. 1- acro loripes

    2- acro valida

    ^trust this guy when it comes to IDing corals wink.png

    thank you for ur compliment brother.

    FYI, i give out what piece's name in my best knowledge, NOT by what they r called.

  4. just like most people. i changed from ongmat, (means honey bee in english) which i hated when i got stinged, to viet's pride70. if i put first 2 letters together, thats my innitial, also i am proud of where i am from, that's how i came up with that name...

    nothing fancy at all....


  5. I have these fs, all in pics as wysiwyg, not a best pic since I use phone camera...

    I am avail weekdays after 5:30pm to pu, I ONLY do pp to hold to schedule pu time.

    with any questions, u can pm or call/text me 512-903-7773.

    Miami Hurricanes chalice 8-10eyes... $20 SOLD

    Neon green eye favia 4eyes... $10 SOLD

    Red body and red eye with green splatter bowerbanki. 1 adult and a juvi (don't remember name, it's from asd)... $15...PENDING TO PU.

    WOW paly frag, 5p... $15...SOLD

    Green with pink tip hammer head, I have 2 and 4 heads piece. $5/ head or boths for $25....SOLD OUT.

    Cali tort. I have 2 frags, each is 2" long... $35/each.1 SOLD. STILL HAVE A FRAG ON RIGHT SIDE IN PIC.

    My tank were down hill last summer, I fragged off my colony when all sps had stn. Things recover shortly after that and so r these. they have great pe and color nicely in the last 3 months....

    Monti setosa. I have 2, $15 each...SOLD OUT

    I will update with more if I can take pics....

    Thank you.


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