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Posts posted by Jakedoza

  1. This is sooooo simple.. you guys are making it complicated.

    go here and download this software:


    make sure your camera is installed on your system.

    Install the software

    Once you install the software open webcamXP5.

    Your camera's feed should show in the box.. Mine found my camera automatically and started the feed.

    Next click on the web/broadcast tab on the left

    where it says ip address/host name click the down arrow and choose the one that has your IP address.

    IMPORTANT: Now choose a port. I would not use the default port. I chose 8081.

    Now you need to know the IP address of your system on the network.

    open a command prompt and then type "ipconfig" It will spit out your network info and show you your IPv4 IP. It will be something like 192.168.x.x

    Now you will want to log into your router and forward the port you chose in the webcamxp software to the IP of your system that you just looked up.

    Once that is done and providing you don't have any software firewalls enabled (why you would have a software firewall enabled behind a hardware firewall is beyond me.. ) you can go back to the webcamxp software and hit the broadcast button..

    BOOM your webcam is now streaming online. The software will show you an address on the lower right. If you don't have a domain then you will have to know your IP address. You will also have to input the port number or your browser will default to the default browsing port of 80.

    Here is my link..


    User: arc

    Pass: fish

    If you "obtain" the Pro version, then you can set up a user list and access restrictions.. wink.png

  2. Larger tanks are easier.. They do require more maintenance, love, and care.. but you will not regret it.. I started with a 135 and still have it.. I just recently got a 29BC and wish I could have two large tanks..

  3. As some of you know, I set up a 29 Bio Cube and bought a Warty Frogfish for it.. I was very surprised that he ate a silverside and has so a couple of times.

    Here is a video of the 3rd one he has eaten. I have been feeding him one about every 3 days. NOTE: At 1:04 he starts swinging his angler about..

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