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Posts posted by Jakedoza

  1. Larger tanks are easier.. They do require more maintenance, love, and care.. but you will not regret it.. I started with a 135 and still have it.. I just recently got a 29BC and wish I could have two large tanks..

  2. As some of you know, I set up a 29 Bio Cube and bought a Warty Frogfish for it.. I was very surprised that he ate a silverside and has so a couple of times.

    Here is a video of the 3rd one he has eaten. I have been feeding him one about every 3 days. NOTE: At 1:04 he starts swinging his angler about..

  3. Up for sale is the lighting kit that I used to light my 135. I would like to see what kind of interest I get with the kit as a whole before I start parting it out. Here it goes.. $150 for all of it...

    I have 4 Advance ICN-2s54 ballasts..


    I am not sure on the brand of these reflectors. The two bulb reflectors work very good, the 4 bulb reflector works ok..



    20 t5 end caps..



  4. The mollies I got from RCA have had babies already, but only 2... One of the females must have been prego already.

    The Frogfish ate a frozen IQF silverside tonight. I dangled one in there just to see if he would be interested and accidentally dropped it, It ended up landing on the sand bed right in front of him. He looked at if for a few seconds and then gulped it down..

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