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Cerith Eggs


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Hi again,

It's been awhile and my little 12gal Nano is chuggin along. I haven't tried anything but some live sand, a live rock and the 4 snails that seem happy as they are not dead yet.

I don't know if this would qualify as an emergency, but I have hear that cerith eggs take only about a week to hatch if they are going to. I'm wondering, since this is the first thing to actually grow in my tank that's new besides algae, if they are going to make it in the aquarium or should I try to remove them to another tank? This is the first cluster I've seen and it seems to coincide with a resurgence of hair algae I'm having. The little guys are wedged in a crevice of live rock. I'm sorry, but I don't have a good camera to take pictures. Any advice is appreciated.


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