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Softies for sale

Bill B

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Yellow Polyps - [Colony 30-40 polyps (actually pictured)- $15] [9-15 polyps - $5]

People Eaters - Lousy pic - Color? - typically these are kinda orangish brown, but they seem to turn more purple

when in less light. They always have the flourescent green slit mouth. Thick fleshy skirts [apprx 10 polyps - $10]

King Midas - Bought these from Mike DelGado for $5/polyp (although I'm sure he gave me a few 'free one's) - [This is around 15 polyps - $30]

Armor of God - This is 5 or 6 polyps including a couple of babies (pic won't upload)- $15

Pink Zippers - Can't get an even decent picture - $5/polyp

Sorry but I am VERY busy today. The King Midas is spoken for (tate) but I believe there is at least one frag of everything else still available.






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