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Need a way to catch 6line?


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ok, so i purchased a 5 bar mystery wrasse and my sixline does NOT like him at all. After a day 1/2 of trying to see if theyd get along i caught the 5 bar cause he was wore out from running from the 6line. He is presently in my sump recovering. I need to find a way to catch the 6line? Any ideas? Who ever can catch him can have him!!!

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If you have an available corner in your tank you could use a piece of acrylic to cut him off. I use acrylic to catch my fish when needed. I just turn off the pumps and powerheads, put a bit of food behind the acrylic, and leave the sides of the away from the glass. The fish will swim behind it to get the food, then I'd just move the acrylic against the glass making a nice little triangle in the corner.

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Mirror inside a fish trap, gets an aggressive fish everytime (usually in a couple of minutes). I guarantee once he sees his reflection he will not leave the mirror alone.

I have a fish trap with mirror installed if you need to borrow it. Good luck!

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The mirror in the trap is something that I think that everyone should know about. I bought the trap and spent weeks trying to catch a fish, first leaving the trap in the tank for a week to get them used to it and then baiting with food...waste of time. I can drop in my trap with the mirror and catch a fish in a few minutes, mandarins, blennys, tangs, wrasses, clowns, gobies. I have tangs that can barely even fit in the trap and they still can't resist the mirror. My mandarin will set in there for hours looking at himself...pretty funny.

I have even just stuck the mirror on the inside of the tank and once they see themselves it distracting enough that I was able to catch them with a net, this only worked on some of my less intelligent fish though.

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The mirror in the trap is something that I think that everyone should know about. I bought the trap and spent weeks trying to catch a fish, first leaving the trap in the tank for a week to get them used to it and then baiting with food...waste of time. I can drop in my trap with the mirror and catch a fish in a few minutes, mandarins, blennys, tangs, wrasses, clowns, gobies. I have tangs that can barely even fit in the trap and they still can't resist the mirror. My mandarin will set in there for hours looking at himself...pretty funny.

I have even just stuck the mirror on the inside of the tank and once they see themselves it distracting enough that I was able to catch them with a net, this only worked on some of my less intelligent fish though.

perfect! I call dibs! i'll even film it in action so everyone can see.

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The coke bottle trap works well if 1) you drill a couple of small holes in the bottom to allow water to flow all the way through, and 2) if you have other fish willing to compete with the offender for food. When I had to get rid of my 6-line, I would squirt a little frozen brine through some airline tubing just in front of the bottle trap's mouth. The 6-line tried to beat my chromis to the brine, and I caught him in less than five minutes. This also works particularly well for bold fish like chromis - I caught each of my three chromis two or three times a piece before the 6-line finally went in the bottle.

However, there's no way to safely cram my yellow tang through the neck of a plastic coke bottle, so I am DEFINITELY filing that mirror trick for future reference! ;)

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Hi. I had the same issue with my six line when i was trying to catch him to put him and his tank mates in a hospital tank to treat for external parasites away from my inverts and corals. I finally had to wait till night when it 'went to bed' and removed the one live rock I finally figured out it was sleeping under. even after removing the rock, it was still sleeping appearantly as it did not swim off. I then put a plastic bag around it and its sleeping area and used my hands to make a good seal around it.... then nudged the fish a bit to wake it up. Since it could not escape my tight seal around it's sleeping area, it finally swam up and into the bag. I then slowly closed the bag and removed it from the main tank. This would only work though if you know where it sleeps and if the rock on top of it is removable. good luck!

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ok, well it looks like the fish hook may be the only way to catch him, tried 2 different fish trap and no luck. Havnt tried one with a mirror but i think my 6line knows better than to go into a plastic container. Starting to bet frustrated but if i cant catch him i may have to sell my mystery wrasse

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how many days did you leave the trap in? I haven't failed with my trap yet. But it does take patience some times. Leave the trap in a few days and feed your fish with it. What kind of traps did you use? Custom made or the ones they sell at the LFS?


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Try attaching a mirror to the tank and see of the wrasse is interested in his reflection. If he is distracted enough you might be able to catch him from behind with a net, this has worked for me before. I just left the net in the tank behind the mirror until the fish got used to it being in there, sometimes it take a couple of days. I know that it seems that your wrasse is to smart to go in a plastic container but once they see their reflection aggression takes over and usually their intelligence will take a back seat.

I haven't tried this but think that it would work. Get a fishing net, maybe 2' x 3-4', and lay it across on the bottom of the tank. Wait a while for the fish get used to it, feed them to get them distracted and slowly pull the net up at each end of the tank, hopefully catching the fish that you want yo get out (and probably others too). Bascially if the net was large enough there would be no way for him to escape.

Anyone new to the hobby, don't chase your fish around the tank with a net, unless you can catch them right away you will only make it worse. All of your fish will be scared and will dash everytime they see you for a while. Fishing takes PATIENCE!!! If you are only using a net to catch put it in the tank for at least a day or so and place it in such a way that you can trap the fish between the net and the glass. For less intelligent fish you can actually put food in the net after a couple of days and will have some success.

offroadodge, I like the challenge of catching fish and would be willing to help you if you want. It might take us a couple of hours to do it though, depends on how skidish the wrasse is at this point. I loaned my trap to Mcallahan if you want to give it a try, I'm not sure he has used it or not yet.

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Try attaching a mirror to the tank and see of the wrasse is interested in his reflection. If he is distracted enough you might be able to catch him from behind with a net, this has worked for me before. I just left the net in the tank behind the mirror until the fish got used to it being in there, sometimes it take a couple of days. I know that it seems that your wrasse is to smart to go in a plastic container but once they see their reflection aggression takes over and usually their intelligence will take a back seat.

I haven't tried this but think that it would work. Get a fishing net, maybe 2' x 3-4', and lay it across on the bottom of the tank. Wait a while for the fish get used to it, feed them to get them distracted and slowly pull the net up at each end of the tank, hopefully catching the fish that you want yo get out (and probably others too). Bascially if the net was large enough there would be no way for him to escape.

Anyone new to the hobby, don't chase your fish around the tank with a net, unless you can catch them right away you will only make it worse. All of your fish will be scared and will dash everytime they see you for a while. Fishing takes PATIENCE!!! If you are only using a net to catch put it in the tank for at least a day or so and place it in such a way that you can trap the fish between the net and the glass. For less intelligent fish you can actually put food in the net after a couple of days and will have some success.

offroadodge, I like the challenge of catching fish and would be willing to help you if you want. It might take us a couple of hours to do it though, depends on how skidish the wrasse is at this point. I loaned my trap to Mcallahan if you want to give it a try, I'm not sure he has used it or not yet.

I"m gonna give it a go on Thursday and this weekend. My wrasse hates me (darts away whenever he sees me) so I think it will take a while

jeremy... WE ARE SO FILMING FISHING IN YOUR TANK!!! It'll be a great subject for my show and we can even put a spin on it - "redneck reef keeping". Just wear a wife beater during the show and grab a lonestar...

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