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48" metal Halide


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I'm glad to see awesome lighting can be found second hand at a reasonable price! I'm not quite at the 'buying things' stage yet for my eventual reef setup (still too much stuff to read up on and learn about), but lighting is one area that is relatively expensive, so I'm glad there are options out there. This sounds like what I'll eventually be looking for when the time comes. :innocent:

I did just get a free 55g acrylic tank though! I don't think it's as large as I'd like though, so I may not end up using it.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll have no problems selling your lighting setup! :snack:

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I'm glad to see awesome lighting can be found second hand at a reasonable price! I'm not quite at the 'buying things' stage yet for my eventual reef setup (still too much stuff to read up on and learn about), but lighting is one area that is relatively expensive, so I'm glad there are options out there. This sounds like what I'll eventually be looking for when the time comes. :wave:

I did just get a free 55g acrylic tank though! I don't think it's as large as I'd like though, so I may not end up using it.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll have no problems selling your lighting setup! :)

If you can wait long enough you can usually find something at least reasonable. However, my rule of thumb is if you know you are going to need it eventually, snag it now if the budget permits. It seems like frequently either 'my' items just don't come around when I am looking for them, or they just got sold 2 minutes before I signed on :). Of course, if you are not absolutely sure you're going to stick with a 4 ft tank, I can understand the hesitancy.


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If you can wait long enough you can usually find something at least reasonable. However, my rule of thumb is if you know you are going to need it eventually, snag it now if the budget permits. It seems like frequently either 'my' items just don't come around when I am looking for them, or they just got sold 2 minutes before I signed on :wave:. Of course, if you are not absolutely sure you're going to stick with a 4 ft tank, I can understand the hesitancy.


Definitely! I'm fairly certain that I'll be going with a 4ft tank. What I really need to research more is the type of light(s) I should be going with based on what I want to keep in my tank eventually (which I'm not even 100% sure of at this point). I'd like the ability to keep SPS so I think it would be smart of me to have lighting that could support them, even if I take my sweet time building up to having them in my tank. Regardless, I need to learn a lot more about MH vs. T5 or some combination thereof before I buy anything. I'm especially confused about all of the different 'colors' of light and I need to find out how blue I like my light. I have no reference points yet, but I'll get there!

I'll definitely start buying equipment as I see it become available over the next several months. Thanks for the good advice!


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A 50 g acrylic sounds like a good sump-to-be.

Haha... The thought had crossed my mind. I have a 29 Gallon glass aquarium that I was thinking about turning into the sump for my eventual system, but 55 Gallons couldn't hurt! I would just need more space in the cabinet for it. Larger fuge for sure.

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