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Help please!

I am in the process of converting my 75g FW tank to SW.

I currently have a Fluval 405 filter, and an Ehim 2227 Wet/Dry Filter.

I was "told" that would be plenty of filtration, and all I would need, however I'm starting to realize that might not be accurate.

1) Do I need a Protein Skimmer?

2) Should I look at getting rid of the Fluval and putting in a sump? If so, what do folks recommend for a sump, etc.

The tank is not drilled, so if I add a pump I will need an overflow box(?)

Thanks for any help.


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Get rid of both of the filters. Canisters really don't have a place in saltwater. Yes you would need an overflow box if your tank is not drilled. The other option is to have it drilled. Dave at Epic reef can drill it for you. I am a big believer in skimmers, I also feel that Octopus skimmers are the best value on the market. You should definitely put in a sump with a refugium. I would build a sump out of a 20g long. You can buy one at petsmart for $25 and another $15 for acrylic or glass and silicone you have a sump.

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+1 for what muddy said.

An overflow box would work and plenty of people will tell you they've never had a problem with theirs, but I've seen too many floods to be convinced otherwise.

I'd either drill your tank, or since you are starting over, consider buying a reef ready (aka already drilled tank)

+1 on the skimmer too. I don't like octopus, I prefer Vertex as my octopus was very loud.

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Yeah, That is what I will do, just a bit annoying. I was given some less than "great" advice by a local shop on what filtration I needed, and I bought the Ehim based on that, so the silly thing is brand new (had it set up three days).

But, you are correct. I'd rather take my time and set it up correctly from the beginning.


Just keep an eye on the want to sell threads. Some one is always selling tanks for one reason or another. It is better to do things right the first time. It may seem expensive but will save you money over spending it twice by making mistakes

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I did something similar. I purchased a 120 gallon tank before I knew what the term "reef ready" meant. Now it's probably going to end up as a refugium for my "real" tank. (Which, btw, I'm kind of happy about; the refugium looks like it'll be as much fun as the display tank.)

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+1 to everyone, Lets see theres a local company named Precision Marine that sells realy good equipment, I have there sump, protien skimmer and calcium reactor. And im happy with them all. Shane at Fishy Business can drill your tank as well, I think.

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