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CUC for 28g


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I want to start thinking about a CUC for my 28g. I have an idea of what I want but I am not sure on how many of each I should get.


Cleaner Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Emerald Crab

BumbleBee Snail

Astraea Snail

Electric Blue Hermit Crab

Scarlet Reef Hermit

I would also like to add a Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo.


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Reefcleaners.org classifies the Bumble Bee Snail as "bad." Quoted from reefcleaners - Sold as a sand stirrer, it eats the micro fauna in your sand that makes it "live".

I love my urchin, but you should consider how picky you are on tank arrangement. In small tanks, they would do some serious rearranging. In my 75, I often find things moved or knocked over. Spike has no idea that the $100 prized coral frag you bought is not a pretty decoration for his spines.

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Reefcleaners.org classifies the Bumble Bee Snail as "bad." Quoted from reefcleaners - Sold as a sand stirrer, it eats the micro fauna in your sand that makes it "live".

Great, and I thought I liked my pretty bumblebee snails.

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