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what kind of algea is this?


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I havnt had algea problems, but I was recently given 5 gallons of salt water that was purhcased at one of the local stores that everyone goes to. Monday, this 5 gallons was part of the 15 gallons I used for a water change. Now I have this algea. The person that gave me the water also had this algea problem, but couldnt figure out where the algea was coming from. He would do more water changes to try to resolve the issue and unknowingly was adding more of the problem water. What kind of algea is it and how do I get rid of it? I have a Naso tang, Powder blue and coral beauty, none of them seem interested. I threw in 4 Turbos to see if they would like a snack. I'll stick to my ro/di water from now on. What is wrong with the stores water, what caused it, bad filters?



Edited by Reybeast
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I don't know what it is, but you'll have to starve it out of the tank. Cut way, way back on feeding run carbon and gfo media. A water change with 0 TDS water might help, but it will be slow to neutralize this threat. Snails not likely to eat it. I have a green version that I was only able to control by going ultra low nutrient, but due to what looks like a dense LPS population in your tank, this may not be a good way to go (bacteria driven ultra low nutrient that is).

Best of luck to you controlling this. There may be casualties.


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This could possibly be a sign of high phosphates. Run some poly-filter and do more frequent water changes. You also want to make sure that your RO/DI is free of impurities (maybe time to change cartridges). As for tangs....I know for a fact that most tangs from the Zebrasoma family (aka yellow tang, purple tang...etc.) tend to munch down of bryopsis. Good Luck.


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That looks a whole lot like what has suddenly popped up in my tank after using water from Aquatek.

I was in today to buy water, saw the same algae that literally showed up in my tank within a week of switching to their RO water and the light bulb went on. I asked an employee about it and his comment was 'oh, it's a macro algae'. Well yea! But I don't want it all over my rock! I'd just won the battle against hair algae and this 'turf' type algae

popped up. It's a brilliant green and, as the kid at the store

said it feels like astro turf!

Now, I'm not bashing Aquatek. I'm rehabbing my reef (bought used and neglected) and have live rock still leaching. I'm still getting both bio and mechanical export

systems running well. So, maybe the algae was a coincidence.

The employee I talked to was not concerned when I told him about the introduction of the algae

So, now it's on to the next algae battle! Hope the chaeto growing like a weed in my fuge wins. :wave:


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