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Water Changes


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I am still batteling the cursed cyano. All my levels are good but I can't kick the cyano. I was talking with Dave and he said he dosen't vacume the sand so that biology can run it's course. Sounds good to me. So do you all just syphone water out and then replace it? Sorry if this is too basic but I'm missing something. Thanks

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When I was fighting a bad cyano outbreak I would vacuum oarticilarly bad clumps of it off of the sand, but otherwise I leave detritus control to the cleanup crew. for water changes I either siphon from just below the surface of the display, or set the skimmer to skim extremely wet and collect water that way (takes a lot longer, but it seems to take out more gunk).

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Hey INNATE1, FLOW FLOW FLOW>>>>Point a K2 at the area for a little while and it will go away. Then you will need to fig out away to increase the flow. I hv no cyano in display tank, but on the edges of my chaeto in sump there is some. FLOW is what its all about.

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When I was fighting a bad cyano outbreak I would vacuum oarticilarly bad clumps of it off of the sand, but otherwise I leave detritus control to the cleanup crew. for water changes I either siphon from just below the surface of the display, or set the skimmer to skim extremely wet and collect water that way (takes a lot longer, but it seems to take out more gunk).

Good idea.

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Thanks for making this post. I'm having what I've been assuming is a cyano problem too. Dark green, just on the sand, seems to vary with the amount of time the lights have been on. It's worst first thing in the morning and seems to get better after the lights have been on a while. Cyano, right?

I think my problem might be overfeeding. I only have 5 fish in a 75G and we've been giving 2 frozen cubes OR a pretty large pinch of flake food (alternate days) except Saturdays and Sundays when the office is closed and there's no one to feed. However, I haven't noticed a difference in Monday mornings versus any other day in the amount of cyano. I'm going to cut the amount we feed in half anyway just to see if that helps.

Maybe I'll direct my powerheads more at the bottom too. I have a very shallow sand bed, and it's been getting shallower as I've been peeling the mats off the surface, which takes some sand too.

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