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BTA spawning


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This week I got a new BTA for my 90g tank, my two clarkii clowns had been bashing the crud out of my smaller existing BTA. I acclimated and placed the new one in the tank on Tues and have been watching it move a bit to figure out where it wanted to be. Yesterday evening when I got home from work it looked great and had extended out in about a 10" circle. When I came downstairs a few hours later I noticed that the water in the tank was extremely cloudy. At first I thought it was micro-bubbles, but close examination showed it wasn't. I was able to trash a jet of cloudiness coming from the new BTA, apparently from its foot (though I think it only appeared that way since it was hanging upside down and was behind a rock). I'm currently QT'ing all of my fish in a different tank for Ich treatment, which left just the three as-yet-uncaught fish in the 90. They didn't seem disturbed at all by the cloudiness. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was most likely spawning, so did a quick google and found some video of other btas spawning and it looked the same.

I added some carbon and put on a new filter sock and left it for the night. As of this morning the water is clear and the BTA seemed to be okay. I'm hoping everything is open wide when I get home tonight.

Anyway, just thought I'd share so that anyone who sees this in the future with their BTA might avoid the initial freak out I had.

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Wow. I have never heard of an anemone spawning.... always just splitting. Very cool.

So from your research, are they asexual? Meaning, are you gonna have millions of anemones in the future? :)

Good question that I don't know the answer to. Was hoping to get some feedback from other members on if they've seen this, and if so, if it ever resulted in baby anemones. The fact that I have two BTA's in there makes me think that they would both have to do this?

I did jokingly tell me wife this morning that our fish looked pregnant and our hermits were sprouting tentacles. laugh.gif

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Ive had many anemonies do that, they seem to crave a cigarette and a cold beer afterwards. ;) Make sure to run carbon and a partical filter if you have one, I had an anemone 'event' that wiped out a 100+ head Frogspawn before I could get to it..

Edited by JimD
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Bubble tip anemones are pretty cool. They can reproduce by lateral diffusion (dividing) or by spawning. It is an awesome evolutionary advantage and one of the reasons why I really enjoy bubble tip anemones. I have two myself, a green one and a tannish with purple tips one.

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