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Anemone ID


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These were taken at night with the moonlights. It is about the size of a pencil eraser. The rock has three other smaller ones on it. They all fluoresce underneath the moonlights and actinics, which is observable in both pictures. As an aside, in the more natural lighting exposed picture, to the upper left, are those eggs of some sort?

With the flash:


With a long exposure:


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I'm pretty sure it is the Orange. Ball. Anemone. (Better?) I read a bit on Wet Web Media about it, and it had pictures that were pretty dang close. My observations of it matches the write-up, too--nocturnal, tentacles extended at night, fluoresces at club base, and folds in when it captures a tasty morsel. I need to start feeding these three every other night, apparently. The rock it is on will have a bit of competition--it's 1"x3" and has three orange-ball-anemones and several single-stalked polypy things.

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I'm pretty sure it is the Orange. Ball. Anemone. (Better?) I read a bit on Wet Web Media about it, and it had pictures that were pretty dang close. My observations of it matches the write-up, too--nocturnal, tentacles extended at night, fluoresces at club base, and folds in when it captures a tasty morsel. I need to start feeding these three every other night, apparently. The rock it is on will have a bit of competition--it's 1"x3" and has three orange-ball-anemones and several single-stalked polypy things.

I was going to say Ball Anemone too.

Bingo. I have a lot of these in my tank. They seem to be the new hitchhiker of the year. I wouldn't worry about feeding them, as I never directly fed any of mine and they are doing more than OK. In fact, they are verging on being pests, as they have spread all over the tank. They most dense concentration is in the more "shadowy" areas of the tank. But they do populate high light areas, with them staying closed during the day and opening up at night. Some are embedded in zoa colonies, and don't really seem to bother them.

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