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pistol shrimp


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i have a tiger pistol in my 29 g bicube right now and i havent seen him in a while, but i know he is there becuase of the holes he digs. i am just wondering if it is possible to have two pistol shrimps in the same tank successfully? i have found one i really like, but idk if the tiger is going to get territorial? do any of them get territorial?



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They can definitely be territorial, I've heard stories of them killing hermits that wander into their burrows. Supposedly pairing them with a shrimp goby can help (the goby helps keep others out of the burrow), but 2 in a 29g is probably not a good idea.

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Aren't pistol shrimp the ones that make a popping sound? I remember people used to get mad when they got those as hitchhikers on live rock

Both pistol and mantis shrimps make the popping sound. Mantis are the undesirable hitchhikers. Pistols are generally pretty harmless as they are blind and slow and live by pairing up with a goby that provides them with food. Mantis are fast freaky and scary predators with uncannily good eyesight that will plit your finger in half if you give them a chance.

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yup, mantis is what youre talking about. i love them tho!! i went thru a mantis shrimp phase a while back and just loved to watch him eat! fun stuff, but yes, they will hurt you and everything in the tank usually. my pistol has caused no harm tho :) as expected

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I might need to start up another thread for this but...

Has anyone found a good overall resource for Goby/Shrimp pairings. I'm trying to research a good pair for my 90G tank. I've seen a lot of sources that say that you need the right shrimp for a species of goby (similar to clown fish/anemone pairings.) What I haven't found is a list of available shrimp gobies and what shrimp they pair with. I'm particularly looking for a largish goby/shrimp so they wont get lost in my tank.

Any suggestions or links?

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you got me. i know RCA has large shrimpgobies every once in a while, besides wtchmen, which can sometimes get fairly large. but im not sure the best matches for the specific types. i just assumed my yellow watchmen and tiger pistol shrimp would form a team ad they eventually did. does it make a difference on what kind of goby or shrimp you put together? i just thought you could put any pistol with and shrimpgoby and they would team up.:)

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Seconds on vidid, they sell established pairs. However, I got my watchman from Vivid back in May, got my Tiger Pistol last month. They paired within a day. If you buy them at the same time but "unpaired" it is cheaper. All you need to do is float them in the same bag when you acclimate and release them at the same time, they'll pair immediately and you'll save the "established pair" cost.

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Aren't pistol shrimp the ones that make a popping sound? I remember people used to get mad when they got those as hitchhikers on live rock

Yes, they once were on the bad hitchhiker list. About 20 years ago (*cough*) when I started into saltwater, pistol, mantis, and even bristle worms were all thought to be super bad hitchhikers. People went to great lengths to get rid of them. I remember getting an arrow crab to help get rid of bristleworms :) And now we all love these little critters, with people setting up specialize tanks for mantis shrimp and what not.

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