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I just added a buffer to my 29 gallon to raise the ph because it was low (7.3). I then added a drop of iodien that I got at the aqua dome. Went by the instructions. It said to add a drop per 25 gallons once a week. When I added this my brain coral deflated and let out all of this brown stuff. This is the first time this has happened. Everything else is fine. Should I be worried?

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The brown stuff is zooxanthellae, the symbiotic algae/protozoans the provide food for the coral.

Has it fed heavily recently? This can cause an algae dump too, IME.

It's just doing a internal water change due to the change in your pH; most likely. I agree the iodine shouldn't have caused it.

Keep an eye on it. These coral are pretty hardy and it should be fine.

How much did you adjust your pH? Any change should be gradual. Ideally, IMO, parameters should be in the ballpark and stable. As opposed to on the button 'perfect' and swinging wildly.

Remember that the pH scale is logarithmic, so a change in 1 is 10x change in H ions. So going from 7.3 to 8.3 is a 10x jump in alkalinity; that's huge.

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