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New tank, no leaks!


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I finally got my 156 all plumbed and ready to go today. And, a first for me, no leaks!

I'm using a Hamilton fixture, one of the only ones I could find at the odd size of 5' I have a PM sump with an PM RL225 skimmer that fits nicely. I'm using a smallish wet pump for a return because I don't want to have a ton of flow through the sump -- just enough to get things circulated. I plan to use a wavebox to get good flow in the tank.

Adding sand tomorrow, and I have some rock waiting in the garage.

You can see how well illuminated to cabinet area is by the lighting fixture. Too bad I'll lose that when I put in the sand. :)


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Wow! Good memory!

Yeah, I am going to try to do that today. I still have to get the salinity right, and I have to finish putting in enough RO/DI to fill up the sump.

I hate putting in the sand initially, though. It just looks like a clouded mess for days and days.

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Nice setup. Some would say to add the rock first so it's resting on the bottom rather than a sandbed. Good luck!

I have never heard that. I am planning to have a really shallow sandbed, so I am not worried about a lot of crap getting generated in the bed itself. It seems like having a layer of sand would help to cushion the rock against the glass.

A long time ago I ran bare-bottom, but I do like the look of a little sand.

Edited by AlexKilpatrick
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I have never heard that. I am planning to have a really shallow sandbed, so I am not worried about a lot of crap getting generated in the bed itself. It seems like having a layer of sand would help to cushion the rock against the glass.

It's about stability and the threat of some fishes like gobies (or other fauna) burrowing or shoveling sand that might undermine a rock-stack. No need for cushion IMO.

Also, the right level in a sump also depends on how much water is drained from the display when the power goes off in the middle of the night!!

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MItch -- thanks for the pointer to the PM site. Tjat is just what I needed.

VWMike -- My problem is not the return, but the drain in the sump itself. I extended the tubes so they drain underwater. That helps a little, but there is still a fair amount of gurgle and air bubble noise.

Anyone have any suggestions for helping with sump drain noise?

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its a single or dual sock set-up? My PM sump is dual and without a doubt there will be either a 90 dergree or 45 degree fitting in the drain. Thats where the noise is coming from. Any bend will create the noise you here, i too tried to extend the tubes into the sock with not much help in noise. A little noise is soothing to me. I set my level in the sump with the return flow, about half way up the grating at the end of the refugium area. Thats just how i run mine. I dont run the socks anymore either!!!! I Let it feed the refugium with the extra stuff from main tank after feeding.

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Actually, I just found this diagram on RC. Seems like it would help. You wouldn't even need the cap on the top -- just an open T to allow air to escape without bubbling.


Check out the Hofer, I understand that the noise is coming from your sump but that's because of the amount of air entering the overflow pipe in your aquarium. The Hofer allows you to limit the amount of air to make it much quieter. You then tune your return pump and the Hofer and the noise in your sump will be greatly diminished.

In effect it will act similarly to your picture, but without a cap you're still going to get a loud gurgling sound. It's easier to limit the amount of air entering the system than to deal with it at the sump afterwards.

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