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Carbon and Phos Guard


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OK well I have started running carbon and phos guard in my 29 gallon biocube. Its been in there for about 3 weeks. My questions are, how much carbon should I be running in this size tank? I currently have about a tennis ball size in there. Also, do I need to rinse the carbon and phos guard media bags ever so often? I have noticed that they are collecting a lot of nasty stuff on them.

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I've used both a bag as well as a media reactor on my 24G with external sump/refugium. When I used the bag I had about as much as you are saying. I was not very impressed with the results. When I switched to the media reactor I was though. Almost overnight difference with the same amount of carbon if not less.

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Probably water clarity and a reduction in micro-debri.

It is not recommended to run your media reactor fully loaded. I recall them saying with the 2little fishies reactors to use about a cup of media.

One reason that I would not run a full reactor on a 24g tank is that the carbon may last longer however detritus will get caught in between the carbon pellets and then begin breaking down. Same as an unattended canister filter. Best bet is to run a cup and change it out every week. That way your carbon will always be fresh and your media reactor won't turn into a nitrate bomb.

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The difference was in water clarity/yellowing compounds. And mike is totally right. After my initial experiment I have been running about 2/3 cup carbon to 1/3 cup GFO and switching out every week in the reactor. Also, it is in line after a filter sock in so debris can't get into it. Seems to have the best mix. It is a task I tend to get lazy on but I definitely remember to do it if I start to see some water color change or some extra algae growth.

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