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Friends, Romans and Coutryman, including Addictive Reefers.

I do not need to defend my husbandry or to be copied. I did not invent any thing that has not been done in numerous locations. Some in cold weather climates including Michagan and some in hot humid climates such as ORA in South Florida. I personnally like hot and dry because evaporative cooling is a blessing. Thermodynamics 101: When 1 pound of water evaporates, 1000 BTU of cooling take place. One gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs/gallon. When a moderate sized oak tree evaporates 100 gallons of water per day then more than 800,000 BTU's of cooling take place. Now you know one more specific advantage to trees.

With outdoor operation of a greenhouse, I have one year of hands on operation in my personnel greenhouse of 1500 square feet on my homesite in DeRidder, La. If you want more information, I suggest you purchase Anthony Calfo's first book of "Coral Propagation in a Greenhouse". Many people do outside propagation. My current operation is as big as I am gone to get. I have a 75G reef tank set-up outside on my poarch. Since I have a metal roof on the poarch, I get direct sun for a few hours in the middle of the day. I get indirect sunlight all day. The top of the tank is open to maximize evaporation. The overflow skims from the top middle and drains into the refugium system. The refugium consists of three 10G rubbermaid containers which are interconnected with 1 1/2" lines. The first container is an unlite rubble refugium for anything that wants to grow there. The second container has five 16W PC bulbs suspended over the water surface. The substrate consists of "mud". In this second container I grow an ediable macro algae called "Red Ogo", Gracilaria parvispora is also known as "Tang Heaven Red". The third container also has about 1" of mud with the same bulbs and has Chaeto. The return pump is a Mag 9. I tee the return into three Penductor discharges. In tank circulation is provided with these three eductors and one Hagen HOB external filter. All media was removed from filter and replaced with rubble to breed pods. Addition biological filtration is provided by a Jauberyt plenum which has a 3/4" void on bottom and about 4" of 1-4 mm arrogonite media. This tank has been set up now for about 6 months. I plan on raising decorative macro in the tank with a co-culture of Saltwater Sailfin Mollies.

That shoud be enough to digest at this time.

Have a blessed day, because it is a choice.


Pat Castille

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very interesting. Would love to see how this turns out. I love ogo! used to eat the stuff all the time in hawaii along with poke and opihi same with palahalaha or ulva. would be interested in buying from you if you ever needed to thin out.

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With an outside temperature of 105 degrees, tank temperature has increased to 88 degrees, by the time the next day starts up the temperature is down to 78 degrees. With these temperature fluctuations, mushrooms, clove polyps, and capnella grow and multiply. The fish inside this growout system are large Saltwater Sailfin Mollies which have been aquacultured in Purto Rico for more than 30 years.

It will be some time befor the Gracilaria parvispora is available for sale. In my grouwout systems in the greenhouse (30" by 50") I grew Red Ogo for sale to high end restaurants at $30/lb.


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Sorry, I do not do pictures. If you want to see this come on out. I will be selling the seaweed and mollies to Aquadome, probably by Spring 2010. At this time, I have displayed a few alpha males at Aquadome.


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Your reference to outside marine ponds being possible in tropical regions only does not account for the constant temperature of the earth. Once you get a foot underground, the earths temperature is very constant. Earth coupled heat pumps have been around for a long time with geothermal heat transfer during summer and winter. Check it out, you may like it.


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Thank you for the technical asistance. When it comes to computer technology, I am a dinasour. I can still learn, but it is slow at 61 years old. At this time, I am operating through my company server and have limits of bandwidth as well as other firewalls. At home I have some modums and controllers which I never completly de-bugged. My initial reason to purchase was to remotely observe and operate my grenhouse propagation system. I attempted to integrate the Otopus controler with generic end devises. Apparrantly, they were speaiking different languages. I felt that I was at a Pentecostal Revival: much confusion.

I have many more links to natural technology references. As I learn the system better, hopefully I will be more enabled to communicate to fellow reefers.


Pat Castille

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F:\Chuck's Addiction.htm

This link is very informative. Biological filtration is a must in all reefkeeping. The various food webs and nutriant cycles allow waste to become food. This link has a very good holistic approach to reef keeping. If you have read any information on European reefkeeping, it will become evident that the beginning of the food web is of vital importance.

One mans junk is another mans treasure. One critters waste is another critters food. Like Johnnie Cash sang "The Circle" is unbroken. If one beleves in Karma, then we each much take responsibility for what we do and do not do in our captive reef worlds.

Enough of the soap box. Stay blessed because it is a choice.

Pat C

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