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Light for refugium on back on Nano Tank


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I want to get a light to support a refugium on the back of my nano tank. The links I was using on how to build a reguigum are kind of old and I can no longer find the lights they talk about. What requirements should I look for in the light? I just want to have something simple with cheato. Thanks for any input.

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I want to get a light to support a refugium on the back of my nano tank. The links I was using on how to build a reguigum are kind of old and I can no longer find the lights they talk about. What requirements should I look for in the light? I just want to have something simple with cheato. Thanks for any input.

Well I stopped by home depot and saw they had lights for indoor plants. The box says "plant light" not sure how well it will work, but I thought I would give it a shot.

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i just bought a spiral pc for the fuge on my bio cube. i got the light and the bulb from walmart for like $15.00 together? it keeps my cheato growing good, well that and all the filth in my water ;) i light my fuge through the side of the tank instead of from the top.



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