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Purple algae???


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Hope everyone had a festive holiday! 

I' m having a new issue with my 20l nano. I have small oval purplish dots on the glass. They appeared overnight. I went to check my tank this morning, and noticed the dots. My parameters are not to off, but I am thinking that might be the cause from something eating my 2 anomone crabs. I thought it might be just another molt only, but this time there are body parts scattered and not the whole shell like they normally do. Neither is in their normal spots and I have yet to locate them. My Sal is 1.03, nitrate is 5ppm (maybe from the crabs being eaten?) Ph is 8.4. I had a full test done last Wednesday and all my numbers were good. With all this I am unsure what steps to take to get this back under control. I googled the "Purple algae " and can not get a reliable answer. Any suggestions? Nothing else has changed, nothing new added or removed, except the crabs. My lighting is on a timer.



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It looks like coralline algae to me, but that type of calcification doesn't appear over night. Spots that size would have grown over a week or more. 

Do you have any other predators in the aquarium? When was the last time you saw the anemone crabs? 1.030 sg is high, but I don't believe it's lethal. Aquariums with corals are normally kept in 1.023-1.026. 

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Update. My crabs are ok, I found them. Also this stuff is only on the glass and not my live rock that I can see. It' literally all over all sides. No concentrated areas. As you can see from the photos the green algae spots came up overnight as well.

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Thanks Sascha. I am one of the fiddlers lol always messing with my tank. I am hoping for advice before doing anything. I can do maybe 2 , 2 1/2 gallon top off now and that should help lower the salinity . I just do not want to do anything to make the issue worse. I am watching my snails, but refernce from googling said snails won't touch it. Ironically all the algea bloom was overnight. Also just discovered one of my wave makers is fritzing. I can not change the flow now. Its full blast current or nothing at all. Trying to fix that now.

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Coralline algae is just something that grows in a healthy tank. A lot of people try to encourage it's growth by buying badger milk products marketed for the purpose. You can't eliminate it altogether, but you can limit growth if you wanted to. It's photosynthetic and uses Ca/Alk/Mg to encrust, so limiting these resources will limit the growth. If you have a glass aquarium then you can remove it with a razor blade. Off of the top of my head, the only things that will eat it are urchins and parrot fish. I'm not sure what they do in acrylic aquariums. If your aquarium were empty, then you can fill it with tap water, add two cups of vinegar, some circulation pumps, and it will peel off in a day or two. 



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Thanks Sascha. I am one of the fiddlers lol always messing with my tank. I am hoping for advice before doing anything. I can do maybe 2 , 2 1/2 gallon top off now and that should help lower the salinity . I just do not want to do anything to make the issue worse. I am watching my snails, but refernce from googling said snails won't touch it. Ironically all the algea bloom was overnight. Also just discovered one of my wave makers is fritzing. I can not change the flow now. Its full blast current or nothing at all. Trying to fix that now.
Beaux, its a normal part of any reef tank. There is nothing wrong. You need to clean your glass is all. That's coralline algae. It can/will grow on your glass and rocks. Just get a good scraper or strong magnet scraper and clean your glass. Its a normal part of saltwater tank maintenance.
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15 hours ago, Beaux said:

Thanks TY, it is a relief. I have just never see purple algae before. The green and brown, but not purple. Learned something new today lol.

We also see shades of red and orange in the hobby, but purple is the most common.

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Thanks to everyone for their posts and support on this topic. I am happy to announce that the cause of the problem has been discovered. It seems the hubby likes to turn on the tank lights at 5:30 am while he enjoys his morning coffee. Therefore giving my tank over exposure  to 12 + hours of full lighting. He thought the purple was pretty....

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21 minutes ago, FarmerTy said:

That's hilarious. At least you have a hobby your significant other enjoys too.

So true! The most I get out of my wife is polite silence. I think I'm finally wearing her down though. Last week we were watching TV and she says, "Look a Powder Blue Tang!" I was like :fool:

Image result for what did you just say gif

Edited by Sascha D.
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