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Reef / Rock design help in Austin?


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Hey all,

I'm a previous member who is back and getting back into the game. Buying a 60g cube and spending the $ to do it right (reef tank), my old tank was a 40g cube that in its 5th iteration or so I had designed a minimalist arch type rock structure that had lots of open space in the tank and was a SPS / zoa tank that was super cool.  

Anyway, want to do something similar, but don't feel like having to do it all myself like I did last time.  Looking for a reef designer who can help strategize and build out the live rock structure that I can then build off of and glue corals to, etc..  

I'm not interested in just building up a big rock wall against the back of the tank which is easy, I want someone familiar with designing an aquascape to my wishes, gluing / drilling rock, etc.. and can come do the work for me for $$. 

Anybody know of anyone who can help with this????   I'm not against a fellow member helping, but interested in someone with good experience and an eye for design. 

thanks in advance


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